Det är många som har reagerat starkt efter helgens Golden Boy MMA: Liddell vs. Ortiz 3, där den 48-årige legendaren Chuck Liddell gjorde comeback till buren mer än åtta år efter att han la handskarna på hyllan.
”The Iceman” möte rivalen Tito Ortiz som han tidigare har knockat vid två tillfällen. Men denna gång var det istället Liddell som åkte i backen i den första ronden, och det blev återigen brutalt uppenbart att den forne UFC-mästaren har sett sina bästa dagar för länge sedan.
RELATERAT: Tito Ortiz knockar Chuck Liddell i första ronden (video)
”Att kommissionen godkände matchen är vidrigt”
I ett rykande färskt avsnitt av podden UFC Unfiltered går nu UFC-vd:n Dana White loss mot kommissionen i Kalifornien som godkände matchen – och framförallt promotorn Oscar De La Hoya.
“Listen, I love Chuck Liddell and I don’t ever want to badmouth Chuck Liddell,” sa White. “People do think I’m badmouthing Chuck Liddell , but the reality is, first of all, lets says this first, I heard last week that the coke head, ‘Oscar Del La Weirdo’ is talking s***, that I don’t have any place to tell guys when to retire. First of all, it’s called friendship you f***ing cokehead. I’ve been friends with Chuck Liddell for 20-years and the reality is that Chuck Liddell retired when he should’ve retired, 8 or 9 years ago whenever it was.
“Chuck Liddell is 50-years-old and has no business fighting anymore and that fact that the State of California even let that fight happen is disgusting, it’s disgusting. Chuck Liddell is a huge superstar and has a great legacy in this sport. So of course, as friend, anyone that claims to be a friend of Chuck Liddell and was anywhere near this fight is full of s***. They aren’t a friend of Chuck Liddell. To let him go in and fight this fight. It’s terrible.”
”Vad snackar du om din kokainpundare?”
White höll inte tillbaka med hånen mot De La Hoya…
“The problem is Chuck Liddell was a fighter, Chuck Liddell loves to fight and that’s his passion in life,” fortsatte White. “But there comes a day and age. Fighting is a young mans’ game. He can’t do it and Oscar Del La f***ing Hoya says ‘oh come over to Golden Boy where we respect the fighters and it makes me sick what the fighters were paid and all this s***.’ Out of 14 fights on the card, five fights were amateur bouts which means they didn’t pay them jack s***.
“12 of the professional fighters on the card made less than $3k and $3k. What are you talking about you cokehead junkie? Some of the guys made $1k and $1k and he says that he respects the fighters so much? He couldn’t even remember their names at the press conference.”
”Hoppas han blir knockad precis som Chuck Liddell blev”
Nu hoppas UFC-bossen att De La Hoya själv kliver in i ringen igen – och blir brutalt knockad.
“I hope someone talks Del La Hoya into fighting again, and I hope the State of California makes the fight, and I hope he gets knocked out just like Chuck Liddell did,” sa White. “In the first round. The cokehead nutball.”
White passade också på att kasta en känga mot Ortiz när han ändå var igång.
“Tito and Oscar Del La Dummy were made for each other,” fortsatte han. “Those two f***ing nutheads. Frist of all, Tito said ‘You guys want to get paid? Come over to Golden Boy MMA.’ Are you kidding me? Hey, you wait my brother, you wait to see how all this pans out. Everybody is going to be suing everybody in a couple of months. There was no money made over there. Del La Hoya is a moron. An absolute moron and I don’t know how Chuck allowed himself to get talked into this s***.”
Lyssna på intervjun 43 minuter in i podden här.