Matt Hughes går i sin blogg igenom varför han tror Rashad förlorade. Det är inte helt otippat kanske att Hughes anser att Rashad skulle använt sin brottning…
I went back and watched the Rashad fight again, and I think it comes down to bad coaching. In the prefight press conference, I heard Rashad say that he didn’t bring anybody in who would resemble Machida’s style. When I heard that, I knew that there might be some problems. That is probably a big reason why Rashad didn’t do very well in the striking area. I also think Rashad should have been coached on using his wrestling talent. He didn’t shoot one takedown that I can remember and he just made it a sparring match. If I was to coach Rashad against Machida, I would have told him to make it a fight, use his wrestling and groundwork to really dictate the match. Not just go out and spar with him. I think Rashad could have done a lot better in that fight. I’m not saying he should have won, but he’s a lot better than he showed on Saturday.
Problemet är väl givetvis också att det finns ytterst få som kan plockas in för att likna Machida (om man inte plockar in Karatekillar). Rashads plan, vilken han berättade om efter matchen, var att tvinga en kontrande Machida att komma till honom. Saken är ju den att även Rashad kommit långt med sina kontringar. Planen lyckades och Machida kom till Rashad och resten är som man säger… Historia.