Wanderlei Silva skulle möta Mirko Filipovic under Rizin FF öppna viktklass den 29de December nu i år, men detta verkar inte bli av efter Mirko CroCop Filipovics uttalande på sin facebook.
Han verkar arg och förtvivlad:
He gets scared and he changed his mind, but he know it from the beginning. He played tough guy on the press conference in July and he called me out for a fight.
Sen fortsätter CroCop:
This man has a guts, but now we all see what is he made of, nothing but shit. Once he was a fearless and true axe murder but now he’s just a scared homie and only thing he can kill is his mosquito.
Respekten verkar vara helt borta, och hotar med stryk:
Don’t you dare to come to Saitama to see the tournament like a guest because I will slap you like a bitch just like you deserve, you are nothing but a scared bitch and I had so much respect for you as a fighter until now.
Mirko Filipovic har ett nytt fighternamn till Wanderlei:
I suggest a new name for you that will fit you well… WANDERLEI ”THE CHICKEN” SILVA