Wanderlei Silva förlorade rivalmötet mot Chael Sonnen under lördagens Bellator NYC via enhälligt domslut. Efter matchen var ”The Axe Murderer” besviken både på sig själv och Sonnen, som gjorde det han skulle när han kontrollerade Wanderlei på marken under tre ronder.
”I was as mad at him as I was mad at myself. I wanted it to be a dog fight, thrilling, with guys being knocked down left and right. The type of fight people are used to see Wanderlei Silva in,” säger Silva till Combate efter matchen.
”Unfortunately, my opponent wasn’t too keen on putting on a show, he wanted to smother and grapple me. I like to make the crowd go wild, give them a show. The few moments where he engaged me were the best moments. I came close to finishing the fight. I had the best moment of the fight. Because of the rules, I knew he had defeated me by points.”
Vill ha en rematch
Silva vill nu ha en returmatch mot Sonnen på hemmaplan i Brasilien. Enligt honom är det en självklarhet att han kan besegra ”The American Gangster”, och han menar att en Bellator-gala i hans hemmaland skulle dra storpublik:
”I want the rematch bad, I want to show I can neutralize his gameplan and beat him. I’ll pursue it to the end. I’m getting ready for it, as a matter of fact. It might not be my next fight, but it’s bound to happen. Brazil has many venues. Here in Curitiba there’s the stadium where they hosted UFC 198. I’m sure that if Bellator ever comes to Brazil, this would be a nice place. And with Silva on the card, a packed house is guaranteed,” säger Wanderlei Silva.
LÄS MER: Chael Sonnen om Rory MacDonald: ”Vi kommer mötas, han vet om det”