Wanderlei Silva är nästa man i raden av fighters som tar José Aldo till försvar. ”The Axe Murderer” Silva går dock ett steg längre och välkomnar den före detta fjäderviktsmästaren Aldo till Rizin FF.
Det dröjde inte länge efter att José Aldo gick ut med sitt uttalande om att vilja lämna UFC innan han fick sympatier från andra fighters.
Bland annat sa hans senaste motståndare Frankie Edgar att han förstod Aldos frustation men konkluderade att livet inte är rättvist.
Hans landsman Wanderlei Silva tog istället till sociala medier för att sträcka ut en hjälpande hand:
”Today is a sad day for the sport. One of the biggest names of our sport came publicly to say he’s dissatisfied with the promotion, retirement too young. Aldo is one of the best fighters in history, and he’s going through the same thing I went through, and I know what you’re feeling, Aldo. And why are you feeling that? Because you’re not a guy that fights for money. You fight for honor. I know your feelings are hurt, and I know damn well how that’s like. They are not doing what they’ve promised you. They promised you that after your last fight you would fight that guy again, and they are not giving you that. They did that to me, too, promised a lot of things and didn’t make it happen.
There are no criteria to say who the next challenger is. Today, whoever talks more is the next challenger. There’s no ranking. The biggest proof is ‘Jacare’ [Souza]. Why can’t ‘Jacare’ get a title shot after his performances in his fights? That’s the biggest issue in our sport – if we’re sport or entertainment. That’s what upsets me the most, seeing a young fighter have his desire to fight thrown in the trash can, you know?
Aldo, I’m here to tell you that I’m with you. I’ve always admired you, the way you behave, and your team. Once again you’re proving that you fight because you’re a samurai, that you love fighting, not because of money, because you’d make the same money if you were fighting for the belt or not. That shows your character, and gets my respect and admiration. I’m sure every fan all over the world is with you now.
As a representative from Rizin, I want to tell you that Rizin’s doors are open for you. I want to invite you to fight in Japan, where you will be respected and put in a place you deserve. As a representative from Rizin in Brazil, I invite you to go there with me so we can make history there together. You will have the respect you deserve there at Rizin, my champion.
Aldo, come to Japan with me. Let’s fight at Rizin. This promotion you’re trying to leave also took my desire to compete away from me. I know what you’re going through. But in Japan I’m treated as the samurai and champion I am and having the respect I deserve, and that’s the respect you deserve as well.”
Skulle du kolla in José Aldos fighter i Rizin FF?
Omslagbild via UFC.com