Conor McGregor och Floyd Mayweather har kommit överens om hur dopingtesterna ska gå till inför deras superfight. McGregor kommer dessutom att vara med i den vanliga rotationen för UFC-fighters. I en intervju med MMAFighting berättar en talesperson från USADA mer.
“Mr. McGregor is subject to both the UFC Anti-Doping Policy (because he’s still an active UFC athlete) and the anti-doping program agreed to for the Mayweather vs. McGregor boxing match” skrev en talesperson i ett mail till MMAFighting

McGregor har inte testats än i boxningens regi, men har testats flera gånger som aktiv UFC-atlet. Enligt USADA:s hemsida har Mayweather testats två gånger i år, båda gångerna i juli. Under 2015 testades Mayweather hela 34 gånger. De testats bland annat för EPO, HGH och peptider. De testas även med ett så kallat carbon isotope ratio screening.
“The program is consistent with other professional boxing programs USADA has conducted over the years where the athletes agree to robust testing,” fortsatte talespersonen från USADA. “It primarily focuses on out-of-competition testing, all samples are analyzed at WADA accredited labs and the rules are consistent with the WADA Code and UFC Anti-Doping Policy. And like all our anti-doping programs, we start by educating the athletes and their representatives to ensure they’re properly informed of their rights and responsibilities.”
Mayweather utreddes för IV-användning mot Pacquiao
Floyd Mayweather blev utredd av den kritikerrosade boxningsjournalisten Thomas Hauser 2015, när det uppdagades att Mayweather fått ett retroaktivt therapeutic use exemption (TUE) utan att meddela Nevada State Athletics Commission (NSAC). Men enligt USADA-chefen Travis Tyrgart använde Mayweather IV i enlighet med USADA:s riktlinjer.
”Contrary to Mr. Hauser’s inaccurate reports, [a USADA official] was in the home and observed Mr. Mayweather’s condition that precipitated the need for an IV,” skrev Tygart i ett dokument som slog hål på Hausers undersökning. “The [official] was also in the home when the paramedic was called and remained in the home while the paramedic provided the IV. At no point during the infusion did Mr. Mayweather attempt to hide anything regarding the treatment he was receiving.”
“Mr. Mayweather’s use of the IV was not prohibited under the NSAC rules at that time and would not be a violation of the NSAC rules today.”