UFC-presidenten Dana White uppgav att man valt att skrota matchen mellan återvändande Georges St-Pierre och Michael Bisping, och att GSP istället skulle få utmana om welterviktsbältet i sin återkomst.
Men UFC:s welterviktsmästare Tyron Woodley är inte särskilt sugen på ett möte med kanadensaren. Det berättar han under ett nyligt avsnitt av The MMA Hour:
“I’ve been told me and Demian Maia are fighting this weekend.I don’t even want to talk about GSP because GSP is playing everybody.”
“I don’t know if he really wants to fight. I don’t know if he really wants to fight me or if he wants to fight Bisping.”

”Vill inte möta mig efter tre år”
St-Pierre, som nyligen kom överens med mellanviktsmästaren Bisping om att mötas i november, ska enligt Woodley ha dragit sig tillbaka från sporten på grund av en rädsla för hjärnskakningar. Därför tror ”The Chosen One” att han är den siste GSP vill ta sig an i sin återkomst:
“I think he wants to fight someone like Stephen Thompson. (GSP will) think, ‘(Thompson) is someone I’ve trained with, he’s not going to hit me with a concussion.’
“Think about why (GSP) left the sport. He said he had some personal issues. He also spoke about the rampant usage of PEDs in the sport, and also, concussions.”
“What guy that’s on the list is going to give him a concussion besides me?” undrar Woodley.
“Not Demian Maia, most likely not Michael Bisping. Bisping is known for enduring damage, being resilient and always pushing forward. Most likely not ‘Wonderboy’, because Georges came from a sport karate background. He’s trained with Stephen Thompson.”
“I think if ‘Wonderboy’ had beat me, (GSP) would have fought him. If Demian Maia comes out on top this weekend, I think he’ll fight him. I just don’t think that he wants to come in after three years and face a guy like me who is completely determined not to lose his belt.”
Håller ni med Woodley?