”Lyftkranen från Rosengård” Ilir Latifi tog hem karriärens största seger i helgen då han besegrade Ovince Saint Preux via stående giljotin. Den 34-åriga svensken befinner sig just nu på #8-plats på UFCs ranking men med största sannolikhet kommer Latifi att hoppa upp ett par snäpp när organisationen uppdaterar sin lista.
Ilir Latifi said he'll fight Daniel Cormier at whatever weight class he wants, it's all respect! What should DC do? #UFCOrlando pic.twitter.com/3whIX3Z7eC
— FOX Sports: UFC (@UFCONFOX) February 25, 2018
We did it! Thank you for all the support! #UFCOrlando 💪🏻🇦🇱 pic.twitter.com/uV2WFU5Pip
— Ilir Latifi (@Latifimma) February 25, 2018
Hyllad över hela världen
Efter Latifis imponerande seger över den #5-rankade ”OSP” så smällde det till på Twitter och folk från hela världen hyllade svenskens insats:
My Man!!!!! Looking great tonight @Latifimma 🤜🤜
— Coach JK (@John_Kavanagh) February 25, 2018
Ilir Latifi vs. OSP is coming up next. So that means I must use this photo, because this is my chance. pic.twitter.com/oBirBJvJrp
— Heidi Fang (@HeidiFang) February 25, 2018
My boy @Latifimma the MF SLEDGEHAMMER!!!!
— JIMI MANUWA (@POSTERBOYJM) February 25, 2018
That was a stunning finish. Really happy for @Latifimma and looking forward to calling one of his fights again. #UFCOrlando
— Dan Hardy (@danhardymma) February 25, 2018
— Volkan Oezdemir (@volkan_oezdemir) February 25, 2018
The beast my friend @Latifimma 👊🏼👍🏼💪🏼 pic.twitter.com/TC8ClIPwXF
— Antonio Pezao Silva (@BigfootSilva) February 25, 2018
Now thats how you win fightsss!!!
Congratzzz brother @LatifimmaGreat show again @ufc @UFCEurope #UFCOrlando #ufc
— Gökhan Saki (@gokhantherebel) February 25, 2018
Now thats how you win fightsss!!!
Congratzzz brother @LatifimmaGreat show again @ufc @UFCEurope #UFCOrlando #ufc
— Gökhan Saki (@gokhantherebel) February 25, 2018
Holy shizen @Latifimma #UFCOrlando
— Jared Gordon (@JFlashGordonMMA) February 25, 2018
Damnnnnn @Latifimma puts OSP to sleep! #UFCOrlando
— Shane Burgos (@HurricaneShaneB) February 25, 2018
Latifi!! @ufc #UFCOrlando pic.twitter.com/8xBmiA4gY7
— Alex Chambers (@alexchambersmma) February 25, 2018