YouTube-boxaren Jake Paul kommer att ta steget till MMA-världen då det nu står klart att han skrivit kontrakt med PFL. Paul utannonserade nyheterna på torsdagen och kommer vara del av PFL:s så kallade Super Fight-division, något som skapade stora reaktioner inom kampsportvärlden.
Signed, Sealed, Delivered. Welcome to the Professional Fighters League @jakepaul
— PFL (@PFLMMA) January 5, 2023
PFL:s Super Fight-division kommer att köra två galor under 2023 och har meddelat att de kommer att ge fighters som tävlar på dessa galor 50% av intäkterna. Paul har varit en högljudd förespråkare för bättre förutsättningar för fighters, främst mer pengar men även saker som bättre sjukvård och pension.
Förutom att Jake Paul kommer att tävla i PFL så kommer han och hans affärspartner Nakisa Bidarian även att ta en aktieandel i organisationen.
Det var flera som reagerade på Pauls PFL-planer och några av dem är PFL-fighters som vill vara hans motståndare när han väl gör sin debut, däribland den forne UFC-mästaren Anthony Pettis. Ta en närmare titt på några av reaktionerna från MMA-världen.

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MMA-världen reagerar på Jake Pauls PFL-kontrakt
Welcome to the PFL @jakepaul
More than happy to welcome you to MMA’s league if Nate isn’t available
@PeteMurrayPFL @PFLMMA @DonnDavisPFL
— Anthony Pettis (@Showtimepettis) January 5, 2023
Welcome to the @PFLMMA @jakepaul big things to come, but I guarantee you and all the fans, we fight, you’re going to shoot first!
— Jeremy Stephens (@LiLHeathenMMA) January 5, 2023
Let me know when you need a good MMA coach @jakepaul You can be one of my students- Champ
# KeepGrindin’Kid
— Tony Ferguson (@TonyFergusonXT) January 5, 2023
Hey @PFLMMA I’m a free agent. I wouldn’t mind welcoming @jakepaul into the MMA world.
. But let’s be real. He’d never take this fight, even tho I’m like the shortest middleweight in history
should be a manageable W for him!
— Deron Winn (@DeronWinn) January 5, 2023
Jake Paul’s PFL video & signing is kinda fire
if we’re being honest
— Derek Brunson (@DerekBrunson) January 5, 2023
Jake Paul signed with PFL , you have flyweights & bantamweights trying to fight him … cut the silliness now
— Derek Brunson (@DerekBrunson) January 5, 2023
I think it is a great move for @jakepaul and shows how business savvy he really is. I can’t say the same for the @PFLMMA at this time. It is going to take time to see how positive his presence is for them and if it was a good move for everyone involved
— Big John McCarthy (@JohnMcCarthyMMA) January 5, 2023
— Kevin Lee MTP (@MoTownPhenom) January 5, 2023
Wow Jake Paul to PFL that’s wild. Who we want to see him fight? I think @HurricaneShaneB should get it.
— Matt “The Steamrolla”Frevola (@SteamRollaa) January 5, 2023
— Terrance McKinney (@twrecks155) January 5, 2023
It’s getting really hard not to like the guy now.. 50% revenue and fighter advocacy… Big If True
— Kyle Daukaus (@KyleDaukaus) January 5, 2023
Jake Paul in MMA !? #mma
— Renato Moicano UFC (@moicanoufc) January 5, 2023
Unpopular opinion… it’s easier Jake Paul beat Diaz in a mma match than Dias beat Jake in boxing!!! #mma #ufc #boxing
— Renato Moicano UFC (@moicanoufc) January 5, 2023
As my bro @moicanoufc say “ Marreta wants money “
@PFLMMA @Alexdavismma @espnmma @MMAJunkie
— Thiago “Marreta” Santos (@TMarretaMMA) January 5, 2023
Welcome To The Fam
@JakePaul x @PFLMMA
— Taylor Gang World Leader (@wizkhalifa) January 5, 2023
Congratulations to my Managers @jakepaul & Nakisa @MostVpromotions on this amazing announcement! @PFLMMA
— Amanda Serrano (@Serranosisters) January 5, 2023
Appreciate all the support I’m seeing for this move into MMA with @PFLMMA from fighters and fans. I’m here to grow the pie for the sport, the league and the entire roster.
And for the haters – you fuel me. Keep it coming.
— Jake Paul (@jakepaul) January 5, 2023