Under debatten inför beslutstagandet om att legalisera MMA i delstaten New York kom motståndarna till legaliseringen med den ena sjuka argumentet emot legaliseringen efter den andra.
Nattens debatt om legaliseringen av MMA i New York var stundtals riktigt underhållande. Motståndarna kom med den ena lustiga argumentet efter den andra med jämförelser med gayporr, slavar på plantager som tvingas till att slåss och offentlig hängning. Här har vi samlat några av dem.
Demokraten Daniel J. O’Donnell, som själv är homosexuell och tycker att han borde gilla sporten, menar att MMA är som gayporr:
”Well, I should really like it. You have two nearly naked, hot men rolling around on top of one other, trying to dominate each other. And just in case you don’t know, that’s gay porn with a different ending. I won’t describe the ending for you, but as I’ve gotten older, the endings are less important. So …”
Han gör också en koppling till polisvåld och gör en antydan till en incident 2014 då en man med namnet Eric Garner kvävdes till döds av en polis i Staten Island:
”You know how we feel about the choke hold in New York City. You can put him in a choke hold and the ref has to be determining whether he got choked enough or she got choked enough. This (sport) is not something we should legalize or regulate.”
Charles Barron gjorde en jämförelse med slavar som tvingas att slåss mot varandra på plantager:
”Firstly, as an African American, we’ve been in cages on the plantation and other places and people let us bite off each other’s ears and other things until they regulated that and made it something different.”
Ellen Jaffee anser att sporten inte bara skadar fighters, den bidrar till kvinnovåld:
“(MMA) harms the fighters, who risk their very lives and are often maimed, or sometimes killed. It harms women, who are victimized by the glorification of distorted masculinity that cage fighting represents. The violent nature is antithetical to the anti-violence message we are trying to deliver to our children and our communities.
Catherine Nolan säger att en MMA-match på tv är likställt med att spela ett våldsamt tv-spel:
You can’t Google the word without reading incident after incident. We’re not talking bout cartoons in a video game. A video game is a cartoon. When you watch something on TV, sometimes it seems like a cartoon. But it’s not. It’s a real person, a real human life, perhaps, from a poor background, finding his or her way out of that background the only way they know how – with their fists.
Angela Wozniak tror att MMA-gym är ett sätt för pedofiler att komma åt barn:
”Right now, a registered sex offender could own an MMA school, they could teach in that facility, and we can’t be naive to the fact that these people target these schools, they know that if they are teaching a child, they could put that child in a situation where they’re doing a maneuver to perhaps touch them in a way that that child might not even realize they’re being touched and really harm that child.”
Debora Glick jämförde MMA med offentlig hängning:
”I understand this is very, very popular with folks but there are many things that people might enjoy that we do not actually think are a good thing. I was quoted as saying if we wanted to charge a fee for public hanging there would be regrettably some segment of our society that actually would show up but we don’t do that.”