UFC-superstjärnan Conor McGregor släppte nyss ett uttalande på sina sociala medier, där han ber om ursäkt för skandalscenerna under helgens Bellator 187 i Dublin och förklarar sitt agerande.
VIDEO: Conor McGregor ballar ur TOTALT – hamnar i bråk med Marc Goddard i buren
McGregor hoppade in i buren och gav sig på den respekterade domaren Marc Goddard efter att hans vän och lagkamrat på SBG Ireland, Charlie Ward, vunnit sin match. Enligt McGregor försökte dock matchdomaren ”Marc Gonard” hålla matchen igång – ett fasansfullt misstag, enligt McGregor.
Irländaren, som också hann med att lappa till en funktionär, erkänner dock att han överreagerade och ber om ursäkt till sina fans och samtliga inblandade.
Läs uttalandet nedan:
I sincerely apologize for my behavior at last weekends fight event in Dublin. While trying to support a loyal teammate and friend, I let my emotions get the best of me and acted out of line. As a multiple weight UFC champion, executive producer, role model and public figure, I must hold myself to a higher standard.
The referee Marc Gonard was making a horrendous decision in trying to pick an unconscious fighter up off the floor and force the fight to continue into the second round. Even against the wishes of the said fighters coach. The fight was over.
After witnessing my fighter in a fight where the worst happened and the opponent passed away from his injuries on the night, I thought the worst was about to happen again, and I lost it and over reacted. I am sorry to everyone.
I sincerely apologize to the Director of the Mohegan Tribe Department of Athletic Regulation, Mike Mazzulli, all the officials and staff working the event, Andy Ryan and his fighter John, two stonch ones that put up a great fight every time. That side will always have my respect, and lastly every one of my fans. I love yous all!
I’ve always learned from my mistakes and this will be no different, skriver McGregor.
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