Welterviktaren Matt Brown har minst sagt haft ett par svåra år. Under sina sex senaste matcher har han endast vunnit en och det är nu över två år sedan.
I sin senaste fight mötte han Donald Cerrone och blev för första gången knockad. Dessförinnan hade han även förlorat via TKO mot Jake Ellenberger.
Trots den senaste tidens motgångar så är dock ”The Immortal” Brown ute efter en ny match:
“I’m not rushing but I am looking at probably October. Well if I can get an opponent. I have been talking to Sean Shelby and we are just looking for an opponent.” sade Brown till BJ Penn Radio. ”You know half of getting a fight is finding someone to fight. It looks like that is probably going to be the timetable but I don’t know if it is going to work out with opponents and everything. I should hear something back very soon actually.”
“We talked about October 7 (UFC 216), obviously I can’t announce anything because I don’t have an opponent. But yea, it is supposed to be October 7. I am just waiting for an opponent.”

Kan tänka sig en returmatch mot ”Cowboy”
Efter sin senaste match mot Cerrone så bestämde sig Brown för att ta en paus och passade även på att reflektera varför han fortsätter tävla:
“I have been itching to get back in there from day one. You know the day after my last fight. I was ready to get back in there. But I just had to take a little bit of time off and do some thinking.” sade Brown. ”I had to consider what is it that makes me want to get in there so bad. You know is it just a money thing. You know I don’t want to get in there and just fight for money.”
”That (my last fight) was the first knockout (loss) I ever had in my life, inside or outside of the gym. So I guess I had really taken for granted that ‘it’ happening was actually a possibility. So when it actually came to fruition and I am hanging out with my kids afterwards, I had to think ok what is the risk vs reward here and what am I doing? So I really had to look at myself and what my motivations were. I have that all straightened out now and I am ready to get back in there.”
För Brown handlar allt om att hitta en värdig motståndare men om ingen skulle dyka upp kan han mycket väl tänka sig att möta Cerrone igen:
“I know that Cowboy was trying to get on the UFC 216 fight card. I told Sean (Shelby) that I would gladly take that fight. You know if he really wants on that card I will be there. Other than that, like you said the landscape changes so much with guys getting wins or getting hurt. I really don’t know who is all available to fight.”
Vill du se Brown vs. Cerrone 2?