I helgen ställdes den obesegrade BJJ-specialisten Rafael Lovato Jr. mot den regerande mästaren Gegard Mousasi i huvudmatchen på Bellator 223: Mousasi vs. Lovato Jr. Brassen använde sitt starka BJJ-game för att ta hem ett majoritetsdomslut efter fem ronder.
På grund av det jämna domslutet och Mousasis tveklösa legendstatus, har Lovato inget emot att ge den forne mästaren en returmatch direkt.
“He is a great champion. I have so much respect for him. He didn’t need to take this fight,” sade Lovato om Mousasi. “It’s only my 10th fight and he could have saved himself for bigger fights, bigger paydays, champ-champ or whatever kind of fights.
“He could have really called his shots but as a true champion, he wanted to put his belt on the line who he felt was the most deserving contender.”
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Den regerande Bellator-mästaren kommer att ta en kortare pause för att slicka såren i Spanien tillsammans med familjen. Efter ett sju månader långt camp har han förtjänat vila, men har inte tänkt att vara borta allt för länge.
“If that’s what they want to do, I can’t blame them,” sade Lovato om ett returmöte “It was an extremely close fight and he is Mousasi. Right now, it’s hard to think about that. This was a seven-month training camp. I grinded so hard this year.
“I’m going to rest a little bit tomorrow, Monday I’m off to Spain with my wife and it’s time sit by the pool, the beach, chill, relax, enjoy. I’m going to Madrid with my parents, two weeks in Spain, and then we’ll come back home, heal these wounds a little more and get back to work and start thinking about the defense for sure.”