Under förra månadens UFC Fight Night: Chiesa vs. Lee förlorade Michael Chiesa huvudmatchen mot Kevin Lee via submission efter att matchdomare Mario Yamasaki stoppat matchen då Lee fått in en rear-naked choke som såg ut att sitta ordentligt. Yamasaki stopp blev dock genast mycket kontroversiellt då Chiesa aldrig klappade, utan genast hoppade upp och började protestera mot domslutet.
”Hade varit enklare att låta honom vara”
Nu besvarar Yamasaki kritiken, och domaren är ”säker på att Chiesa somnade”. Det berättar han för Combate:
“It would be easier to just let him be, but I’m a fifth degree jiu-jitsu black belt. I’m sure he went to sleep. Everyone said he didn’t tap, but there’s no tapping when you go to sleep, otherwise he would’ve moved his arm. I only have to move an athlete when I’m in doubt and there was no doubt. I saw a guy who stopped defending himself and going limp.”
“He came back very fast. I was in the moment, there’s nothing I can do. That’s where the confusion and the controversy begin. Dana, as a promoter and an excellent business man, is in his right. He promotes well. I don’t have to say anything. It’s his opinion, he thinks Chiesa didn’t go to sleep. Whoever is in there at the time knows. I don’t need to answer anything. The more I talk about this, the more it’ll grow.”

Oroar sig för sina barn
Yamasaki har fått utstå en hel del hård kritik efter beslutet– bland annat tyckte UFC-presidenten Dana White att han borde lägga ner dömandet. Däremot är han orolig över hur hans barn och familj hanterar kritikstormen:
“I’m used to it. I’ve been doing this for 20 years. What hurt was my kids, nephews and nieces who are little, asking why they’re talking about me. People calling you things can get to you in the first or second day, but we’re tough. You just have to deal with it, there’s no way around it,” säger Yamasaki.
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Sociala medier
John Kavanagh efter presskonferensen i Toronto…
he should have stuck to hitting girls and running strip clubs. he's awoken a dark dark animal that he's only met in his worst nightmares.
— Coach JK (@John_Kavanagh) July 12, 2017
oh you didnt think he was gonna learn faster than anyone else? #winorlearn
— Coach JK (@John_Kavanagh) July 12, 2017
that's what we call a 10-8 round
— Coach JK (@John_Kavanagh) July 12, 2017
Roligaste jag sett på länge!
Denna var inte heller fy skam!
Finns ingen som kan ta Conors vänster…
The Beach Ball had NO CHANCE. pic.twitter.com/PivA33Hi01
— Chase Sherman (@ChaseShermanUFC) July 12, 2017
Stipe gratulerar Mighty Mouse.
BOOM! Congrats @MightyMouseUFC on winning an Espy for #BestFighter! Much respect and well deserved! #Espys #HWPO #AndStill 🙌🏼
— Stipe Miocic (@stipemiocic) July 13, 2017
Nästa supermatch i görningen…?
If you are smart @TripleH you Don't let @BeckyLynchWWE anywhere near the ring with me! Ireland can't handle another star losing this summer https://t.co/4qdPM1ado4
— CrisCyborg.Com (@criscyborg) July 12, 2017
Are you sure Dana would let you? Seeing as he doesn't seem to let you do much else? https://t.co/M5cDwnbGXx
— Rebecca Quin (@BeckyLynchWWE) July 12, 2017
Nunes hintar om sin återkomst…