Den forne WSOF-mästaren Justin Gaethje imponerade stort under sin UFC-debut i fredagens TUF 25-Final då han avslutade den #5-rankade lättviktaren Michael Johnson i den andra ronden efter ett galet krig.
Nu undrar många vem som står på tur för Gaethje – och under måndagen rapporterade Ariel Helwani att UFC planerade att låta Gaethje möta den forne lättviktsmästaren Eddie Alvarez i sin nästa match.
Dessutom ska man ha övervägt att låta de båda coacha nästa säsong av The Ultimate Fighter.
UFC is targeting Justin Gaethje vs. Eddie Alvarez later this year, sources say. There has also been serious talk of them coaching TUF 26.
— Ariel Helwani (@arielhelwani) July 11, 2017
”Accepterade på två minuter”
En annan topplättviktare, Kevin Lee, uppger dock att Alvarez har tackat nej till giget. I ett inlägg på Twitter under tisdagen uppger ”The Motown Phenom” att han tackat ja till att coacha mot Gaethje, efter att Alvarez sagt nej. Därefter passar han på att skicka en passning till både Alvarez och Gaethje.
I've been asked to do TUF and accepted in 2 minutes, @Ealvarezfight turned it down. I'm just waiting on the holdup @Justin_Gaethje.
— Kevin Lee MTP (@MoTownPhenom) July 11, 2017
Who the fuck wanna watch @Ealvarezfight and @Justin_Gaethje coach TUF. Y'all both slurring words like a sobriety test. #PunchDrunk
— Kevin Lee MTP (@MoTownPhenom) July 11, 2017
Även Ariel Helwani backar Lees uppgifter:
This is true. Lee/Gaethje was also discussed. As were a couple middleweights who squared off this weekend.
— Ariel Helwani (@arielhelwani) July 11, 2017
Har ett record på 18-0
Det verkar alltså som att Gaethjes nästa motståndare blir det 24-åriga stjärnskottet Lee, som senast i huvudmatchen på UFC Fight Night 112 besegrade Michael Chiesa via ett kontroversiellt domslut, och har fem raka vinster i UFC:s lättviktsdivision.

Gaethje, 28, är obesegrad genom sin karriär med ett record på 18-0 och var innan sin UFC-debut WSOF:s lättviktsmästare. Han försvarade sitt bälte fem gånger och vann alla matcher via TKO.
Vem vill ni se Gaethje möta i sin andra UFC-match?
Svenske Daniel Teymur öppnar som oddsfavorit inför UFC-debuten på söndag.
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Sociala medier
Vad säger ni?
Which fight would you rather see? @danawhite @seanshelby
— caposa (@Grabaka_Hitman) July 11, 2017
Coolt för Big Brown.
It's official! I'll be part of the @showtimeboxing team for #MayweatherMcGregor press conference pre and post shows. It's such an honor 🙏🏼
— Brendan Schaub (@BrendanSchaub) July 11, 2017
Riktigt surt för Ariel Helwani… Fult av UFC.
Not working for @SHOsports anymore on the May/Mac tour. Just learned UFC specifically asked to have me removed. Incredibly disappointed.
— Ariel Helwani (@arielhelwani) July 11, 2017
Took red eye from NY to LA only to get this news moments ago. Still credentialed for the tour and will also be in Toronto and NY. All good.
— Ariel Helwani (@arielhelwani) July 11, 2017
I must thank @StephenEspinoza and @BDailey223 for the opportunity and for fighting for me. Really wish this didn't happen, but alas …
— Ariel Helwani (@arielhelwani) July 11, 2017
This was a dream opportunity. I'm obviously very bummed but will keep on keeping on. Thank you, as always, for the support. Much love.
— Ariel Helwani (@arielhelwani) July 11, 2017
Mayweather reagerar på nyheterna om hans skatteskuld.
Ali Abdelaziz i tjafs med El Cucuy.
@Justin_Gaethje You Hit Like A Bitch- You're Not On My Level, But If Its For The Belt.I'd Be Glad To Beat That Ass For The Interm @Danawhite
— Tony Ferguson (@TonyFergusonXT) July 8, 2017
Stop being jealous Justin make three times as much money as you 👊🏾
— Ali Abdelaziz (@AliAbdelaziz00) July 10, 2017
.There You Go Trying To Manipulate The System. Managing @RDosAnjos @TeamKhabib & @Justin_Gaethje You Wrote The Book On Cringe #FakeAsFuck EC
— Tony Ferguson (@TonyFergusonXT) July 10, 2017
You're fake AF bitch I cussed you out in back and you didn't say shit lame ass there's no running @TeamKhabib will break your face and
— Ali Abdelaziz (@AliAbdelaziz00) July 10, 2017
and @Justin_Gaethje will fucking eat your soul @TonyFergusonXT you're irrelevant
— Ali Abdelaziz (@AliAbdelaziz00) July 10, 2017
.You Should Be Thanking Me Ese. I'm Keeping You In Business. I'm So Irrelevant All Of Your Lightweight Fighters Want To Compete Against Me
— Tony Ferguson (@TonyFergusonXT) July 11, 2017
I work with 100 athletes. You're making yourself look bad right now, just lay low 4 more months get your ass whooped and move on.
— Ali Abdelaziz (@AliAbdelaziz00) July 11, 2017
.Now It All Makes Sense Why #TeamTiramisu Didn't Make Weight. You Were Focused On The Other 99 Clients. Just Make Sure He Shows Up This Time
— Tony Ferguson (@TonyFergusonXT) July 11, 2017
Ray Borg undrar vad som försiggår med Mighty Mouse.
What's the hold up?
— Ray Borg (@tazmexufc) July 10, 2017
The Menace efter förlusten.
Film om McGregor på gång?
Breaking: 100% Reliable source is telling me that the UFC is working on the return of Germaine de Randamie at #UFCRotterdam
— Giovanni Tjin (@TjinMMA) July 10, 2017
Taggade inför #Snoopcast?