Under gårdagen talade flugviktsmästaren Demetrious ”Mighty Mouse” Johnson ut om hur UFC försökte tvinga honom till en match mot T.J. Dillashaw. Bland annat ska man ha hotat att stänga ner hela flugviktsdivisionen om Johnson inte accepterade ett möte.
Detta fick Dillashaw lägga upp ett meddelande för Johnson på sociala medier, där han uppmanade pound-for-pound-ettan att ”inte vara rädd”. Därefter utvecklade han sitt resonemang för ESPN:
“I understand where he’s coming from with some of it but a lot of it was a slap in the face to me as well. Trying to say that I don’t really deserve a title shot which I think is complete bullcrap. I don’t think there’s anybody in his weight class right now to push him and I’m healthy, I’m in shape, I’m already in the process – because Dana told me that’s who I’m fighting – of dropping the weight class. I’m waking up at 143 pounds in the morning so that’s a very, very reachable goal,” säger Dillashaw.
“So for him to go and discredit my name and the things that I’ve accomplished just to not be worthy of a title shot kind of pissed me off a little bit. And it’s kind of embarrassing to have him go and call himself the GOAT, to be the greatest of all time and turning down fights because he’s scared to fight. He can say whatever he wants to say about all his other issues he has and being bullied – which, I don’t understand how the greatest of all time gets bullied – but it all comes down to him being scared of me beating him. He knows that I’m a bad matchup for him and that it’s a fight that he does not want.”
”Kommer inte missa vikten”
Dillashaw är UFC:s förre bantamviktsmästare och skulle egentligen ha mött Cody Garbrandt i en titelmatch i sommar, men Garbrandt tvingades ställa in mötet på grund av en ryggskada. Därför försöker Dillashaw nu få till en stormatch mot ”Mighty Mouse” i stället, trots att han själv aldrig tävlat som flugviktare.
En av anledningarna till att Johnson inte vill ha ett möte med Dillashaw är risken för att den naturlige bantamviktaren inte lyckas med viktminskningen – något som Dillashaw menar bara är en ursäkt, då han är säker på att lyckas nå matchvikten. Han erbjuder till och med Johnson hans lön om han skulle misslyckas:
“I’m gonna make it. I have the utmost confidence. I know that I’m gonna make it. I’ve never missed weight once in my entire life or my career going from wrestling from eight years old through all my professional career. If I agree to do something, I’m doing it. I’m a very dedicated athlete and like I said, I’m already waking up at 143 pounds. That’s not big of a weight cut at all. I think it’s just an easy excuse.”
“100 percent. Put that stipulation in there. I’m not gonna miss the weight. That’s not something I have to be worried about at all. I’ve already got it down to a perfect science of what I’m gonna be doing. So yeah, go ahead and put it in the contract because I’m not gonna miss weight,” menar Dillashaw.

”Är bäst i världen just nu”
Dillashaw menar att hans angrepp mot Johnson kommer från en frustration över att Mighty Mouse inte vill acceptera matchen. Johnsons namn figurerar flitigt i diskussioner om vem som är den bäste fightern genom alla tider – något Dillashaw menar att hans agerande i den här situationen bevisar inte är fallet.
“Don’t be scared. To me it’s like, you’re being a pussy about it. Tell the truth. You’re talking about how you don’t want to fight me for all these other reasons but really you don’t want to fight me because you’re scared. Guess what man, you’re the greatest of all time. Put it out there. This is gonna be a historical event for you to try to break your record, let’s make this the real deal. Let’s make it against an opponent that’s gonna sell some pay-per-views, that’s gonna be a big draw. It’s just frustrating to see him backpedalling from this and it’s embarrassing for the sport for the greatest of all time to be avoiding the fight the way he is.”
“I feel like him fighting me will be able to fix a lot of his problems. He will get a pay-per-view cut. He’s actually gonna make the paychecks he’s earned. He is pound-for-pound best fighter in the world right now, and I think this is the fight to get him paid.”
“If he doesn’t step up I think a lot of people are gonna have to put an asterisk next to his record of beating Anderson Silvas streak as well as being called the greatest of all time. I really think it’s kind of a chickenshit move to bail out of this fight.”
Håller ni med Dillashaw?
Jack Hermansson verkar vara klar för en ny UFC-fight.
Demetrious Johnson säger att UFC hotat stänga ner hela flugviktsdivisionen.
Alexander Gustafsson utvecklar sitt resonemang kring attacken mot Jon Jones.
War Machine får sitt straff för attacken mot Christy Mack…
… som öppnar upp i ett hjärtskärande brev.
Mark Hunt tror inte på Alistair Overeems historia om matförgiftning på UFC 209.
Johnsons intervju med Ariel Helwani på The MMA Hour.
Några andra gånger då Dana White gått hårt åt sina största stjärnor.
Bad attitude.
Sociala medier
RIP Kimbo.
One year ago today we lost a friend and an icon. We all miss you @KimboSlice pic.twitter.com/DwLmODAxFV
— Scott Coker (@ScottCoker) June 6, 2017
Jose Aldos uttalande efter titelförlusten.
Mäktiga scener när Max Holloway kommer hem till Hawaii.
Now THAT'S a homecoming‼️ Hawaii welcomes their NEW featherweight champ @BlessedMMA & @YMedeiros home today ⬇️ pic.twitter.com/QDCms20UIY
— UFC (@ufc) June 6, 2017
Cejudo erbjuder en lösning.
If the fight w/ DJ & TJ doesn't fall thru. I'll introduce TJ to @ufc Flyweight division @danawhite . make the flyweight div. great again
— Henry Cejudo (@HenryCejudo) June 5, 2017
Några flugviktares reaktioner på Mighty Mouse uttalanden.
I've always had the utmost respect for @MightyMouseUFC, and I have even more after today.
— Brandon Gibson (@SixGunGibson) June 5, 2017
This a cut throat business and the image that all you fans have on how things work is 100% wrong.
— Ray Borg (@tazmexufc) June 5, 2017
Might not have a job after all this but I'm glad somebody spoke up. https://t.co/D3Nkzmbb4K
— Ben 10 Nguyen (@Ben10MMA) June 5, 2017
Although I really would like to see DJ vs TJ, they're doing,one of the best ever, a huge disservice treating him & the division this way https://t.co/FSYfStYMrY
— Zachary Makovsky (@ZachFunSize) June 5, 2017
Tito gör en pudel.
.@ChuckLiddell you are correct I was wrong with my reply.I said something that night after the pic was posted on pure emotion. #MyBad
— Tito Ortiz (with the blue check) (@titoortiz) June 5, 2017
Skön welterviktsturnering, vill se.
What if?? 🤔 #BellatorNation
(BTW, @PhenomLima vs @da_MONSOON goes down at #BellatorNYC!) pic.twitter.com/idaoIa49Nf
— Bellator MMA (@BellatorMMA) June 5, 2017
Prepared to defend. Ready to repeat! #DefendTheLand #AndStill pic.twitter.com/UAJUvZY68v
— Stipe Miocic (@stipemiocic) June 5, 2017