Under söndagens UFC Fight Night 109: Gustafsson vs. Teixeira ställdes den svenske MMA-stjärnan Alexander Gustafsson mot topprankade brasilianaren Glover Teixeira – och bjöd på en av sina absolut bästa insatser hittills i karriären.
Femronderskriget, som avslutades med en imponerande knockout från ”The Mauler”, utvaldes till kvällens bästa match och hyllades världen över. Många reagerade dock på svenskens taktik, då Gustafsson tog ”stick and move” till nästa nivå när han gång på gång bokstavligen sprang inne i buren för att undvika Teixeiras tunga slag.

”You don’t turn your back and run”
Klok taktik säger vissa, medan andra är skeptiska. En som gick hårt ut mot Gustafssons strategi var mellanviktsmästaren Michael Bisping, som hade följande att säga via sin podcast Believe You Me:
”He turned around and ran like a little bitch.
First and foremost, Gustafsson, what a performance. He looked absolutely outstanding, he really did. It was incredible. And that finish! You know, three jab-uppercuts, steps off and then a right hook that put (Teixeira) down. It was beautiful!
But, the one thing that did stand out that I didn’t like, that you just mentioned, that everybody mentioned – he kept turning round and turning his back and run away. And listen, I’m not knocking his performance – he was outstanding. Alexander Gustafsson – I’m a big fan of his work, he’s a gentleman, he’s a great addition to the UFC roster. But I just don’t like that.
You’re not suposed to turn your back and run away. Retreat – yes, of course you can retreat. You use your footwork, you take a couple of steps back, to the side or whatever it is. But you don’t turn your back and run like that. Just like the way Conor McGregor did it against Nate Diaz in the second fight – people don’t want to see that!”

Gustafsson tillfrågades om strategin redan vid presskonferensen efter galan och förklarade då sitt sätt att fightas. Läs hans svar här.
”Whatever floats your boat”, eller vad säger ni om att springa i buren?
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Sociala medier
Jon Jones vs. Alexander Gustafsson – skitsnacket redan igång!
Of course you are rooting for Daniel Gus, you might as well pray for him while you're at it.
— BONY (@JonnyBones) June 1, 2017
And here's a little FYI, you didn't lose against DC and I because of your cardio, it was because your lack of heart.
— BONY (@JonnyBones) June 1, 2017
I'm not a champion because you don't like my personality? Fuck you lol
— BONY (@JonnyBones) June 1, 2017
"Jon Jones is a bad person" you sound like a fucking dork. Congrats on the engagement though, beautiful woman
— BONY (@JonnyBones) June 1, 2017
Maybe good guys don't always finish last.
— BONY (@JonnyBones) June 1, 2017
I'm not a champion cuz I'm a bad person? 🤔 you're not a champion because you don't win championship fights. 💯
— BONY (@JonnyBones) June 1, 2017
Haha you're right I'll stop. I would hate me too if I were him. https://t.co/ABDtirLsMh
— BONY (@JonnyBones) June 1, 2017
Is it me or does this shit make zero sense? https://t.co/LXakpJnB2w
— BONY (@JonnyBones) June 1, 2017
Lol keep telling yourself that my son https://t.co/Iv0HoAJss5
— BONY (@JonnyBones) June 1, 2017
Whatever Alex root for us both I guess. 🤔
— BONY (@JonnyBones) June 1, 2017
Next time if you don't have anything nice to say, you know the rest. I'm done with you for now
— BONY (@JonnyBones) June 1, 2017
Dana Whites videosvar till de la Hoya.
Cody Garbrandt vs. Matthew Kline Kader.
If the body builder shows up and has a straightener with @Cody_Nolove I'll donate $1000 to charity. If he beats Cody I'll add a zero.
— Coach JK (@John_Kavanagh) May 31, 2017
Lär bli en intressant match.
Thanks to my opponent Travis,you are one of the strongest fighters, 9 in the world.We must have an excellent fight!
With God@ufc pic.twitter.com/j5OLrF3GbM— Alexey Oleynik (@oleynikufc) May 31, 2017
The Future.
The Mauler Jr.
Ilirs hyllning.