Efter Nick Diaz har åkt på en fem års avstängning har flera fighters visat sitt stöd. Den senaste att ansluta sig för att visa stöd är Kendall Grove som anser att fighters blir alldeles för utnyttjade.
Sedan Nick Diaz blivit avstängd i fem år har flera fighters reagerat och visat sitt stöd till Diaz. Den forne UFC-fightern och numera Bellator-fightern Kendall Grove är nu den senaste som kritiserar Nevadas Atletiska Nämnds agerande mot Diaz:
”I think it’s stupid and ridiculous. Yea, it’s for multiple offenses but Anderson Silva gets busted for multiple PEDs and gets a slap on the wrist because he’s kissing ass. You’ve got Jon Jones doing coke in a hit and run with no real suspension, just a leave of absence. Then you’ve got Nick Diaz for weed, something that’s legal now. It’s basically a death sentence along with the $150,000 fine.
Grove anser också att det skulle behövas en fackförening som står upp för fighters och Diaz:
”Maybe a six-month suspension, fine him, OK, but don’t take away his livelihood. That’s just wrong. We need a fighter rep, a union rep. Someone to help us with these things.”
”Everyone’s reaching out to help now. Everyone’s sick of it. Nick is Nick. Outside of the cage he’s a stand up dude. It’s just the system shitting on him. Why? Because he’s standing up for himself? You can’t control the dude so you’re fucking with him? Hopefully the MMA community can come together and protest and do something about this. Strength is in numbers. We’ve got to come together and make it happen.”
”We need someone in power, someone with a voice. Someone who can make shit happen. Go on strikes. Maybe not a union, but someone that can represent us as fighters. We’re getting taken advantage of constantly. We’re still a young sport but it’s about that time we really need it. [New England Patriots quarterback] Tom Brady was sort of caught cheating and he’s all good. No suspension. He played the season opener. ’F**k you, commissioner.'”