I förra måndagens avsnitt av The MMA Hour med Ariel Helwani ringde Conor ”Notorious” McGregors coach John Kavanagh in till programmet. Tidigare har det spekulerats att efter McGregors största lönedag någonsin, kommer han aldrig komma tillbaka till UFC.
Detta håller inte McGregors coach med om, då han anser att den irländska stjärnan inte skulle undvika återkomst till UFC på grund av pengar. McGregor har även varit tydlig med att han planerar vara tillbaka i buren i december för att försvara sin titel i lättvikt.

“I don’t see any reason why he would not,” sa Kavanagh angående McGregors återkomst till UFC. “Certainly money would not be the reason why he would not do MMA again. He has said very clearly to me, ‘Get ready, we’re back in the cage in December.’ I hope someone out there has sparked the interest in him to make him excited about that.”
”Han motiveras inte av pengar, utan utmaningar”
Vidare säger coach Kavanagh att den irländska superstjärnan inte längre motiveras av pengar. Enligt Kavanagh kan McGregor tjäna lika mycket pengar på sponsorer eller filmroller.
“It’s not money that’s motivating him anymore,” sa Kavanagh till The MMA Hour. “He could very easily make similar money from doing some movies or doing endorsements. It’s the challenge. That’s why he’s in the gym laughing every day. If he left the gym now and stopped fighting, what would he do with his free time? You can only sit in one car at a time, you can only have one meal at a time. Eventually you want to do something that’s enjoyable to you. And that would be Conor drifting back into the gym. It’s what’s enjoyable to him.”
“The motivation for this fight was not money, though of course it’s nice to be well paid for what you do,” sa Kavanagh. “It was the challenge. And to be told again it’s impossible to do what he’s saying clearly what he is about to do.”
Vad tror våra läsare? Kommer McGregor försvara sin titel i lättvikt? Diskutera!