John Dodson (17-6) kommer ifrån en domslutsvinst över Zach Makovsky (19-6) på UFC 187 och för Dodson är det en självklarhet att det är han som ska få nästa titelchans.
Dodson hoppas på att kunna knocka Demetrious Johnson (22-2-1-0) i en returmatch.
”It’s a no-brainer for me,” sa Dodson said på presskonferansen efter galan. ”I always still want to beat up Demetrious Johnson. I want to knock him out.”
Dodson känner att han vann matchen mot flugviktsmästaren när dom möttes.
”I thought I won the first time that me and him faced each other and I believe the next time it comes around the outcome is gonna be way different,” sa Dodson. ”I’m gonna still go out there, beat him up and I’m gonna get a clear decision or a clear victory by knocking him out.”
Dodson kom tillbaka efter en knäoperation som gjorde att han var borta från oktagonen i nästan ett år och Dodson kände att han hade ringrost.
”Yeah, it was important for me to go out there and try to be exciting and try and fight as hard as I could coming off that long layoff,” sa Dodson. ”I had some ring rust that I had to work through, but Zach Makovsky is one of the tremendous athletes. Me and him have been training for six years, so we knew each other in and out. I couldn’t give you guys the performance knowing that he knew what my strength was and I knew what he was going to do, so it kind of looked like two guys just trying to play chess out there.”