De flesta har vid det här laget koll på att UFC-superstjärnan Conor McGregor tar sig an Floyd Mayweather i en boxningsmatch den 26 augusti.
Under gårdagen hölls den första presskonferensen inför supermatchen i Los Angeles, och den 40-årige boxningslegendaren berättade i samband med konferensen att matchen mot McGregor definitivt kommer att bli hans sista – han orkar helt enkelt inte mer:
“I’m not the same fighter I was 21 years ago. I’m not the same fighter I was 10 years ago. I’m not even the same fighter I was two years ago. I understand that but I have that fighter’s mentality. But this will – I spoke to Al [Haymon, Mayweather’s manager]. Today we had a meeting and I can’t push my body [anymore]. It’s grueling. Training camp is grueling. I can’t do it anymore. It’s rough. Training camp is rough. I’m just going to the gym, working hard everyday and it’s rough. This has to be my last one.”
“After taking a couple years off, I was okay but then we end up somehow making this fight happen and now I really know that this is it. Deep in my heart, this is it. I can’t.”

”Har vilat en hel del”
Den obesegrade Mayweather (49-0 boxning), som är ute efter att vinna sin 50:e raka match, fyllde 40 i år och inte har gått en match sedan september 2015. Han tar sig nu an den 11 år yngre irländaren – och erkänner att han har en mycket mer avslappnad inställning till sitt träningscamp än tidigare.
“I’m taking a lot of time off. I’m letting my body rejuvenate. Letting my body heal just to make sure that before I go out there to compete, whether it’s in the boxing gym or in that squared circle, I want to make sure that my body is as close to 100 percent as possible so I’ve been letting my body do a lot of resting. I’ve been doing a lot of resting this training camp whereas other training camps I really wasn’t resting as much,” säger Mayweather.
Följ den andra presskonferensen inför Mayweather vs. McGregor här.