De flesta MMA-fighters går ner mycket i vikt inför sina matcher. Innan invägningarna tappar många stora mängder vätska, och brukar ofta använda dropp för att återhämta sig efteråt. Enligt USADA:s nya regler kommer dock metoden förbjudas
Inför MMA-matcher väljer de allra flesta att gå ner i stora mängder i vikt, för att sedan återhämta sig mellan invägningen och matchdagen. Att gå ner uppåt 15-20 kg är knappast ovanligt, och väljer man att inte gå ner i vikt kommer man med största sannolikhet ligga i fysiskt underläge.
Kosthållningen är en aspekt, men många tappar även stora mängder vatten innan invägningarna. Eftersom det är ett dygn mellan invägning och match har man då tid att återhämta sig och försöka få tillbaka så mycket vikt som möjligt.
Dropp används ofta i återhämtningsprocessen efter vätsketömning. Detta kommer emellertid inte vara fallet länge till, då U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) kommer att dopingklassa dropp, De nya regleringarna kommer ha står påverkan på möjligheterna till kraftiga viktnedgångar, och många kan komma att tvingas byta viktklass. Beslutet har hittills kritiserats av vissa fighters på Twitter.
according @usantidoping PEDS rules, IV isn't allowed for @ufc after weigh in anymore. How fighters will rehydrate with that new policy.
— Roan Jucao (@jucao) June 26, 2015
@ALIAQUINTA @DamonMartin @usantidoping @ufc they was here at ATT and we argue with them. So they clearly said it isn't allowed anymore!
— Roan Jucao (@jucao) June 26, 2015
@ALIAQUINTA @DamonMartin @usantidoping @ufc no brotha. It's not allowed IV only 50ml
— Roan Jucao (@jucao) June 26, 2015
USADA meeting @AmericanTopTeam today,@ufc fighters CANT USE IV AFTER MAKING WEIGHT,whole lot of fighters will be moving weight classes#USADA
— Robert Whiteford (@Flyinjudoka) June 26, 2015
The trace from the plastic bag will be in your system,this could end up being more dangerous to guys that dnt know
— Robert Whiteford (@Flyinjudoka) June 26, 2015
Enligt de nya reglerna kommer maximalt 50 ml dropp tillåtas. Undantag gäller enbart vid akuttillstånd eller läkarintyg i syfte att behandla sjukdom, annars kommer fighters som använder mer dropp än tillåtet snart straffas som andra otillåtna preparat.
USADA:s VD Travis Trygart hade följande att säga via The MMA Hour:
”What’s important to remember is the WADA list is the list of prohibited substances. So, those are what most people consider the drugs, the performance enhancing drugs, but it’s also the prohibited substance and methods. And there are certain methods, like an IV infusion that you just mentioned, or gene doping or autologous or homologous blood transfusion, where you take someone else’s blood in advance of a bout and it gives you oxygen carrying capacity and recovery capacity and all sorts of benefits. It would be, by the way, game changing benefits.
So, the IVs are allowed under certain circumstances under the WADA prohibited list. You know, if you’re in the hospital, clinic, having surgery. If you need it outside of those, you have to apply for a TUE. It’s not, as you just indicated, not prohibited in most, or any that we’re aware of, licensing commissions. So, there’s going to be some education, obviously, around that. The purpose for it was to ensure… And you may… I don’t know how closely you’ve followed our investigation into cycling, but you saw it used a lot in cycling. Because, putting a bag of saline over 50 ml, for example is the rule, would potentially mask or alter the blood testing that was done. And there were examples in there where athletes would put a bag of saline in their arm when they saw the blood collectors coming to collect their blood. And they just delayed reporting for 15 min. So, that was really the purpose behind the rule.
So, there’s going to be some education around that and ensuring that, where athletes do need it, if it’s in an area that’s not allowed, so it’s not in one of those other settings, that they go through the TUE process. And those are going to be, as always, we’ve had dozens of those applied for over the years since it became on the list, prohibited in certain circumstances. But certainly education around the drug list and the prohibited methods list, like the IVs, is going to be a key part of rolling this program out and ensuring that the athletes are fully aware of what the rules are and how to comply with those rules, so that there’s no unintentional type violations. Because that’s not why we’re here. We’re here to stop those who are intentionally cheating with dangerous and performance enhancing drugs that rob their competitors of their rights under the rules.”
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