Jon Jones UFC-återkomst mot rivalen Daniel Cormier på UFC 214 tidigare under sommaren slutade i en imponerande seger via TKO i den tredje ronden. Men det hela sattes i skymundan när USADA meddelade att han testat positivt för den anabola steroiden Turinabol bara veckor senare.
LÄS MER Jon Jones testar positivt igen – var dopad under UFC 214
Nu berättar hans motståndare Daniel Cormier att han blev illamående när han nåddes av beskedet:
“It takes time to get through something like UFC 214,” säger Cormier på The MMA Hour. “I’ve experienced it. I’ve experienced it at a high level with the Olympics and the Jones fights and the NCAA finals. It takes time to get over these things, and when you start to come around, the last thing you want to do is be sucked back into the situation that you’re trying to overcome. So it was tough. It took a day. I felt sick.”
“We got to Disney Aulani on vacation and it was time to check in, and I had to go to my room and lay down, just because my head was spinning. Because you just don’t really know how to take news like that.”

”Är mycket oroande”
Det här var inte den första gången Jones åkte fast i ett USADA-test. Förra året, inför ett planerat titelmöte med Cormier inför storgalan UFC 200, testade Jones positivt för ett prestationshöjande medel och tvingades dra sig ur matchen med ett års avstängning som följd. Därför oroas Cormier över att det hela kunde ske igen:
“And I really want to be careful with how I answer these questions because Jon is entitled to the process of what’s going to happen with his other tests. But I think in the last case, they said he was reckless, so they gave him a year suspension. How could you be reckless again going into another fight? It’s so odd.”
“So for me, it’s very concerning, because it seems as though in the last two fights that him and I were supposed to fight, that something like that happens. And I don’t want to be sour grapes. That’s why it’s hard to answer the question — he won the fight. But it just makes it very odd.”
RELATERAT: Daniel Cormier om Jon Jones: ”Jag vet inte vad jag ska tänka längre”