Tidigare under veckan fick vi reda på att den kontroversielle managern Ali Abdelaziz svingat mot den lika kontroversielle UFC-welterviktaren Colby Covington. Detta under ett bråk på Palms Casino i Las Vegas, där Abdelaziz var på plats tillsammans med sin klient, den nyblivne UFC-welterviktsmästaren Kamaru Usman.
VIDEO: Här attackeras Colby Covington av kontroversielle managern
Gravid kvinna mitt i kaoset
Nu väljer Covington att berätta om sin sida av incidenten i en intervju med ESPN:s Ariel Helwani. Enligt Covington väntade han helt enkelt i kön till buffén när Usman och hans entourage dök upp och började ställa till med en scen. Samtidigt befann sig både barnfamiljer och en gravid kvinna på platsen.
“I was staying over at the dump, the Palms and I’m waiting in the buffet line. I’m just trying to get some crab legs. Can’t the man get some crab legs? Can the man, the champ, get some crab legs in peace? All of a sudden low-energy Marty comes, that terrorist rat Ali comes and some other Sasquatch and they start pushing and swinging and start putting innocent kids’ lives in danger and a pregnant lady,” säger Covington.
“There’s a pregnant lady, and she’s screaming, ‘I’m pregnant, stop this!’ Ali is still pushing, trying to make a scene. Usman is still trying to scream at me, ‘I’m going to get you!’ And his Sasquatch is trying to throw punches at my friend and trying to punch me. It’s a complete joke. I can’t believe that they allow that in Vegas and just a bunch of filthy animals,” fortsätter han.
Ska ha blivit mordhotad av Abdelaziz
Men Abdelaziz ska inte bara ha svingat mot den tidigare interimmästaren i weltervikt – enligt Covington hotade managern honom till livet. Detta genom att ”söka upp och skjuta honom”.
”That terrorist rat should get deported back to whatever country he snitched on. He shouldn’t even be allowed in this country for all the shit he does. He’s over there trying to take swings at professional fighters. You know what else he told me? He told me he was going to track me down and shoot me and kill me. He said that to me. I swear to God on my life. I have witnesses that heard him say that,” avslutar Covington.
Enligt bland andra UFC-presidenten Dana White blir nu Covington den förste att utmana Usman om hans nyblivna welterviktstitel.