Den brasilianska MMA-kommissionen har släppt ett nytt uttalande om incidenten där Claudia Gadelha sparkade amerikanen i huvudet i deras match.
I en kontroversiell situation under matchen mellan Claudia Gadelha och Cortney Casey på UFN 100 måttade brasilianskan en spark som såg ut att träffa amerikanskan i huvudet när hon låg på marken, något som inte är tillåtet. Matchen avbröts en stund och Casey som såg skakad ut gavs några minuter att återhämta sig. Domaren valde att inte ta några poäng av Gadelha för förseelsen något som tycktes märkligt.
Efter matchen förklarade en högt uppsatt kommissionär, Cristiano Sampaio, på den brasilianska MMA-kommissionen (CABMMA) domarens beslut med att Casey ska ha låtsats var skadad. Det uppgav han till MMAfightning.
”Because the kick didn’t land, the athlete forged the injury,” sa Sampaio. ”Had she not done that, and not used that time to her benefit and rest, he would have deducted the point. Had the kick landed, Claudia could get two points deducted or being disqualified. (Casey’s) conduct was wrong and unsportsmanlike, which could even be interpreted by the referee as she was giving up on the fight. The point was not deducted because of her attitude. It was an atypical situation and (the referee) acted correctly under our interpretation.”
I dagarna uttryckte Casey besvikelse över hur fansen hånat henne efter händelsen och hur den beskrivits. Något som verkar ha lockat fram ett andra, mer förklarande och ursäktande, uttalande om incidenten från CABMMMA. Det lyder:
”Due to the repercussion on the incident between Courtney and Gadelha on UFC Bader vs Minotouro, held in São Paulo/SP on November 19th, 2016, The Brazilian Athletic Commission (CABMMA) would like to clearly state that it does not, in its role as a regulator, judge the character of any competitor, enroll on false public accusations with the intent to jeopardize their history or future in the sport, and most certainly does not analyze anyother circumstance which is not directly related to the regulation of the event, the license athletes and other professionals involved in their responsibility.
The major concern with the incident was to apply the correct judgment call, interpreted by the referee, Commission and medical staff, using their knowledge and commission´s guidelines, and additional resources, which in this case, replays shown in different angles, on the exact moment of the incident.
Finally, if the interpretation of the decision upon the conclusion of the fight has been interpreted in a different and distorted way beyond what was officially meant to, which was to determine the correct call, it should be condemned and discarded.
CABMMA stands by its decision related to this case, but repels and fully disagrees with any negativity towards Courtney Casey´s character as a professional women athlete of MMA.”
Vad känner ni om CABMMAs agerande i den här situationen?
Foto: Mitch Viquez/Zuffa LLC/Zuffa LLC via Getty Images