War ”Jon Koppenhaver” Machine har vid det här laget spenderat fyra månader i fängelset, och det ser ut som han börjar få slut på saker att prata om. Men det hindrar honom inte från att jobba vidare på sina bloggar, önska att han var fri, spela spel mot Molgan och onanera tills snoppen är blå.
Så om ni vill läsa om dessa ytterst spännande saker, så kika in efter hoppet.
Torsdag 28 oktober, 2010
So the past two weeks I’ve been unmotivated and lazy again. UGH! It’s so hard for me to stay active here. All I wanna do is sleep this whole year away. One good thing about being a lazy bum these past weeks is that all of the little nagging injuries I’ve had over the years, that never got a chance to heal cuz I’m always training, are going away. Once I’m free I’ll be a fully healed up machine! I’m sure once I’m back in the gym I’ll be tip-top in a few months time.
Anyway, some dude hung himself in here yesterday! I guess he hated jail more than me! LOL! Crazy. Man, the boredom is really starting to get to me and every time I get a new book I tear through it in 2 days! LOL! I’m not good at taking my time with reading. To me, it’s like watching a movie and then pausing it all the time when you stop! I just get hooked and never leave my cell ’til it’s done! I really wish I had my laptop in here! Man do I miss the internet! Can’t wait ’til I’m back to my real life… =/
Onsdag 3 november, 2010
4 months! The days drag but the weeks/months fly by. Weird, but I’m glad. Definitely not/can’t be fast enough though. Thanks again for all the gifts/e-mails – they really make it a little easier for me. Anyway, there’s this new Mexican guy in here – we call him the Mexican Private Pyle (Full Metal Jacket). Anyway, he’s a fucking WEIRDO! He talks and laughs with himself, but the weirdest, we all caught him face down on his bed, making out with his pillow, and dry humping his bed! LMAO!! In all the boredom here I have learned to cherish the weirdos here, they really provide good entertainment!
Oh yeah! I am SO HAPPY that lameass Lesnar lost to Velasquez! SO HAPPY! I can’t wait to see it! Hopefully by the time I’m out, I’ll get to watch Brock get pounded on a few times! I also miss watching ”House.” I hear on the new season him and Cuddy are together again – interesting. Fuck I’m bored here! And my body is turning to shit! I have no motivation to workout again… UGH! It’s weird though, everyone comes here and gets fat, but me, I get skinny. Fuck! I can’t wait to get back into the gym! You guys are prolly sick of hearing it but I have little else to do but sit here and think of the shit that is eating at me.
Anyway, my partners in the gym are using all their SEAL connections to get us contracts training the Special Forces & law enforcement in the Austin area as well as setting up seminars for us to train the SEALS in Virginia. All that shit means constant extra $$ I’m pumped to get the gym open! Man this jail shit is a big lame waste of time!
So just FYI, I don’t write these blogs in one sitting, so if it appears that I am jumping from one thing to another it’s because I keep adding to it throughout the week as I see fit! Anyway, this week I only had like $4 on my books on store day but you guys saved my ass! The day after ”stores” I got 5 gift packs! Great timing! And again, I really appreciate the support!
Special thanks to Bill, Ozzy, and Donna who continuously look after me! All of you keep the mail coming too – I really like getting it! I try to write back to just about everyone.
On a different note, I’ve been shaving my legs since I was like 15 and it got too weird having all this leg hair! So yeah, I shaved that shit tonight when we got razors! I know the boys are gonna tease me tomorrow but oh well… LOL! Makes me feel a lil’ more human and normal so it’s worth the harassment! I’m out. Gonna play Scrabble against @danawhite and then jerk off ’til it bleeds! HAHA!