Ariel Helwani kör varje vecka sin podcast The MMA Hour och nedan så kan du se måndagens avsnitt LIVE med start kl 19.00. Gäster för den här gången är Alexander Gustafsson, Michael Bisping, Chad Mendes, Michael Chiesa, Todd Duffee, Jamie Varner, Tom Lawlor och Mariann from Brooklyn.
Ungefärliga tider kan du se nedan.
- 19.03 ”Filthy” Tom Lawlor will review his WrestleMania experience and update us on his career.
- 19.25 Alexander Gustafsson will discuss what’s next after his January loss to Anthony Johnson.
- 19:45 Todd Duffee will talk about his strong desire to fight Frank Mir.
- 20.05 Jamie Varner will stop by to discuss the retired MMA fighter life.
- 20.25 Chad Mendes will preview his UFC Fight Night 63 main event fight against Ricardo Lamas.
- 20.45 Michael Bisping will look ahead to his UFC 186 fight against C.B. Dollaway.
- 21.10 Michael Chiesa will preview his UFC Fight Night 63 fight against Mitch Clarke.
- 21.30 Legendary Howard Stern Wack Packer Mariann from Brooklyn will talk about attending the UFC 189 World Tour press conference in New York City last week.
- 21.50 We’ll go Inside the Vault and look back at a classic interview.
- 22.00 We’ll answer your #themmahour questions on anything and everything going on in the MMA world. Hit us up on Twitter using that hash tag.
Plus, we’ll be taking your calls on anything and everything. Got a question or comment? Give us a call at 1-888-418-4074.
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