När media frågar hur en fighter ska avsluta sin kommande match är det vanligaste svaret via en eller annan brutal knockout. Men i mötet mellan Phil Davis och Lyoto Machida så har Davis en annan plan, han planerar att göra som bara Jon Jones tidigare klarat – vinna via submission mot Machida.
”What makes me so confident in this run for the title? I know what I’m willing to do to make it happen,” säger Davis till UFC. ”Machida was next in line for a title shot. Winning against him will put me up in the contender race. What makes Lyoto Machida so unique is that he is quite effective at catching people rushing in. Anyone who comes straight at him, he usually punches. I’m gonna stick to my bread and butter. If his tricks are not working that night, it will be a rough night. My plan is to go back to Rio and get another submission win and be able to build my legacy that way.”
Lyoto Machida och Phil Davis planerar att ha sitt möte på UFC 163 den tredje augusti i Machidas hemland Brasilien. Kan han då vara den som gör något som bara Jon Jones tidigare klarat?