Round 1
Means calm. Sullivan bouncing and he throws an outside leg kick. Sullivan attacks but eats a knee. Sullivan with a nice straight right. Good exchanges, but Means off to somewhat of a slow start. Means moving forward and lands an elbow. Sullivan busy but not causing damage. He charges for a takedown and Means defends. Means hits the switch and starts throwing hard elbows in the clinch. They’re back in the center of the cage. Sullivan with more strikes thrown but Means looks to be winning the round with technique and range. Outside leg kick snaps off Sullivan’s thigh. Means slowly invading Sullivan’s range. Spinning elbow lands for Means at the bell. Close round. Sullivan may have stole it with activity, regardless of damage. 10-9 Sullivan.
Round 2
Means with a side kick that grazes. Now throwing double jabs. He’s connecting on George’s face. Sullivan having a hard time getting in close enough to cause any real damage. Means pushes him to the cage. Sullivan whiffs with a huge overhand right. Similar to the first round: Means stalking steadily; Sullivan throwing a lot but not hurting. Now Means attacks and lands with a very sharp shovel punch. And now a sharp left. Sullivan looks for the takedown, but Means tosses him onto his back. Looking for some ground and pound before moving into half guard is Means. As Sullivan gets up he eats a big knee. Sullivan attacking with variety, but it’s not yet paying off. Means with another front kick to the body. Means lands a nice left uppercut on the inside. He seems to be breaking Sullivan down now, but Sullivan lands a hard right. Means the aggressor against the fence. Means drops Sullivan with a hard standing elbow. Now more elbows on the ground, but Sullivan survives. Means pulling ahead. He takes a 10-9.
Round 3
Means throws a sharp kick to the calf. Then another. Sullivan looking a little sloppy. Means calm and collected. He lands a right hook. A nice left then right from Means. Another straight left lands. Means taking his time here. He trips Sullivan and takes the top before transitioning to side control. Means in control on the ground. Sullivan has little to offer from his back. Means with short elbows, biding his time. Sullivan trying to twist away, but Means is all over him. Not much damage being done, but Sullivan very frustrated here. Means looks for the arm triangle and that’s all she wrote! Sullivan taps. Excellent pacing and patience demonstrated by Mr. Means.
RESULT: Means by Submission (arm triangle), Round 3