Floyd Mayweather Jr needs to start worrying more about his reputation, and less about his money.
I don’t mean that he will lose. He is 100% going to win this fight. On the small and strange chance that he bets his fortune on Berto to win and throws the fight, that aside, this is going to be one of the most one sided who cares point boxing matches of the long line of similar Floyd Mayweather Jr fights. Do I think he’s easily one of the greatest boxers in history? Sure, I do. Do I like him, his personality or the way he presents himself? No. Not at all.
As of now, his last fight that takes place in about 72-96 hours depending on when you read this still has 2100 seats empty. That doesn’t even take into account how many tickets were set aside for promotions for the Casino’s or card clubs and whatever else.
So that 2100 seats could easily be 3000-4000 empty seats inside a venue that holds just a touch under 17,000. When Mayweather and Pacman did jack crap for 12 rounds, all the hotels in Vegas seen the fight as a huge moneymaker. Tickets were going for $5000+. And it sold out within the hour. All the hotels quadrupled (4x) their prices and still sold out rooms, probably didn’t even put towels or blankets in the rooms and sold those suckers… Fast. This fight, you can get a ticket for $150 and up to $1500 and hotels haven’t raised prices at all. As a matter of fact, not only are they not raising prices they are giving deals and discounts to accommodate just how little interest people have in this fight hoping to at least get a couple of rooms sold.
Personally, I believe this is what we all want to see. I’ve said a million times, if you don’t like something (public figure wise, not your family of jerks) it’s easy to get rid of them, just don’t pay attention to them. I understand the hypocritical factor here, and that is here I am writing an article on this fight and telling anyone who doesn’t care to go on not caring. Had Mayweather said, give me that beast GGG or someone like that. Then I’d be here typing the exact opposite. But as is, this is a lackluster fight with lackluster sales against a lackluster opponent who hasn’t been up to much since a lackluster 2011.
They say you’re only as good as your last fight. Floyd Mayweather may be a great boxer, but unless he knocks Berto out in the first round with a superman punch, this will essentially be a bout that makes him disappear as no one will care to remember this one any more than his other 48 fights. And I actually like him to a small degree.
On a side note, I always mention this, as I love it so much. They once did an episode of 24/7 where Mayweather was training. He was going on and on about how much money he has and how much he makes and all that. $500 million is after all a lot of money. But while he is doing all that a man that came to invest in his TMT brand walked into the gym. When people seen the 80+ year old man, they stopped talking about money. Someone tried to get him to talk about it, someone tried to impress him with how much Floyd has made. But the old man just sat quietly. Someone randomly said, “We are here to talk money ain’t we.” And finally the older gentleman, also known as Warren Buffet said, no, I’m not. And with that, everyone shut up.
Because $500 million is a lot of money. But up against Warren Buffet’s $50 billion. It’s actually nothing at all. Everything Mayweather has done financially will only add up to 5% of the money Buffet has on a bad day. So, in the company of the old money. The new money should only talk about boxing. They look silly if they try to talk about money with someone who almost makes his own.