Den amerikanske UFC-fightern Sam Alvey tog matchen mot den ryske debutanten Ramazan Emeev på lite mer än en veckas varsel och vägde då 220 lbs (99,8 kg) – alltså hela 15,4 kg över mellanviktsgränsen på 186 pounds (84,4 kg).
Efter att ha gått ner 14,1 kg på 10 dagar tog det stopp. Alvey vägde istället in på 189 pounds (85.7 kg) och var således tvungen att ge 20 procent av lönen till sin motståndare. Dagen efter förlorade han sedan matchen på UFC Fight Night 118, som ägde rum i Gdansk, Polen förra lördagen, via enhälligt domslut efter tre ronder.
Då viktnedgång och viktmissar har varit på tapeten en hel del på sistone – där bland andra Kevin Lee missade vikten på första försöket inför matchen mot Tony Ferguson och brasilianaren Daniel Lima såg näst intill död ut när hans team bar honom till vågen i Japan – bestämde jag mig för att ställa några frågor till Alvey om just hans viktnedgång och procedurerna däromkring.
”This experience showed me not only where my limit is, it showed me I have a limit. I don’t like that.”
– ”Smile’n” Sam Alvey om UFC Gdansk.

Obviously you had a rough weight cut and the fight didn’t go your way. How are you feeling now a couple of days after the event?
– Physically I feel fine, mentally though it’s going to take some time. I’ve always been without weakness or limit and this experience showed me not only where my limit is, it showed me I have a limit. I don’t like that.
After the early weigh-in you have around 36 hours to rehydrate and recover. Is that enough time in your opinion?
– Absolutely. The early weigh-ins are the greatest change MMA has made since the introduction of the groin protection. Gives me plenty of time to rest, eat and drink. I come out the other end feeling like a million bucks.
After a brutal weight cut like that, how do you recover? Do you have a specific routine of drinking/eating?
– I try to keep everything the same as usual. Sodium rich drinks first, followed by water, and plain rice cakes for the first few hours. After that I start eating whatever I feel like eating always finishing the day with pizza.
Back to the weight cutting, was the routine any different this time, because of the lack of time? Are you missing meals or just cutting carbs, or something else?
– The routine was the same, just a week longer. My usual 4 days is set in stone and that stayed the same. This time I just started 6 days earlier. It was a severe cut in my calorie count and an increase in anaerobic exercise.
I read something on your Twitter about an adoption. Could you tell me a little bit more about that?
– My wife and I are adopting a child from Africa. We made the decision earlier this year and it is a long expensive process but we have been steadily moving forwards. We can’t wait to get our hands on our little bundle.
Could you divulge from what country in Africa you are adopting?
– I’m actually not at liberty to say. Lol, part of the process is not telling anyone what country. I can only say Africa.
Vi på MMAnytt tackar Alvey för intervjun och önskar honom lycka till i framtiden!