Joe Schilling tränar lite med Nate Diaz och pratar om matchen mot Hisaki Kato på Bellator 139 och han är mycket glad för Diaz skull.
I den här videon ser vi kickboxaren Joe Schilling (1-1 Boxning, 19-8 Kickboxning, 2-5 MMA) träna med Nate Diaz (20-10). Han anser att Diaz är en bättre fighter än Conor McGregor (19-3) och tror att Nate vinner returmatchen också.
”I’m really excited for Nate, you know, Nate’s been working his ass off for a long time… It’s great what’s going on with Nate and Conor… No disrespect for Conor but Nate’s far and above better than Conor. It’s gonna be the same fight but at a much quicker pace.”
Schilling förlorade sin senaste MMA-match, mot Hisaki Kato (6-2) på Bellator 139 förra året. Han själv tror inte att en returmatch kommer att bli av.
”I can’t really say anything about it, it was an mma fight, I got caught, you know. Hats off to Hisaki Kato, he won the lottery that night. I personally don’t think that fight will ever happen again, it was a one in a million shot but I’m training hard, make sure it doesn’t. I played his game last time, this time it’s my game, in kickboxing. It’s not even cocky, it’s not even arguable, I’m the best middleweight kickboxer on this fucking planet and props to Hisaki Kato for having the balls to step in there with me.”
Foto: Mazdak Cavian