I en intervju med submission radio berättar Vadim Finkelchtein om Fedor och hur han läget ser ut med UFC.
Fedor Emelianenkos manager Vadim Finkelchtein medverkar i en intervju med submission radio. I intervjun berättar han lite om Fedors nuvarande situation och hans chanser att skriva på för UFC.
Tidigare var det största problemet mellan UFC och Fedor var att han krävde att M1-Global skulle samarbeta vilket UFC vägrade. I nuläget är M1-Global inte längre inblandade förklarar Vadim:
”When it comes to M-1 we are not really interested in any kind of co-promotion. M-1 is a self-contained, European promotion which has no less than 12 shows a year, and this number is about to grow every year.”
”It’s complicated to make a co-promotion. It’s a hard thing. It’s about money, and when it comes to Fedor, it’s only his choice. He has a very wide choice of MMA organizations in the world, and who will make a better offer to him will get Fedor.”
”I don’t think that a co-promotion with Bellator is possible. The other time when we co-promoted with Strikeforce [it was] because Fedor had a contract with M-1. Now it’s a different story. And, well to repeat what I said before, I want to say that M-1 don’t really need any co-promotion.”
UFCs Dana White har tidigare haft många negativa uttalanden om Fedor efter att han skrivit på för konkurrenterna istället. Detta ska inte heller längre vara något problem enligt Vadim:
”Well I don’t think that story can influence somehow Fedor’s decision to choose UFC or any other MMA promotion. If they will make a good offer to him that will be good for himself, then he can accept this. Also Bellator can make a better offer. So I don’t think that situation can influence it somehow.”
”Dana talked a lot, talked a lot about Fedor, about Vadim, and he talked bad. But Fedor understands that it all was just PR. He’s not in a bad relations with Dana and he doesn’t feel anything bad about him.”
Hela intervjun kan du höra här nedan: