Colin ”Freakshow” Fletcher har under dagen meddelat via Facebook att hans kontrakt med UFC har blivit rivet.
Fletcher tog sig in i UFC via den första säsongen av The Ultimate Fighter: Smashes där han besegrade Ben Wall och Richie Vaculik för att ta sig hela vägen till final. I finalen blev det däremot förlust då han förlorade mot Norman Parke via domslut. Även nästa match slutade i domslutsförlust då han blev besegrad av Mike Ricci på UFC 158.
Han skriver följande på sin Facebook-sida:
“Is it just me or does [being] cut after 1 official UFC fight seem a little harsh? I know I didn’t perform my best but it wasn’t a boring fight. And it was against a guy who trains out of Tristar with Rory McDonald [and] GSP.
I took the fight on 6 weeks notice in his home town and got there 4 days b4 the fight. Basically trained with a hand full of local guys and ppl I teach.
I thought I’d done OK in TUF Smashes. I only really struggled with Norman who I had became really close with and may have looked an arse in that fight also but I was told that showed I had a heart and was a good guy.
And at the end of the day TUF is a competition and I was a finalist. I know of a few semi finalists who get KO’d or subbed and go on to be given multiple chances… I know I could beat 75% of UFC fighters given the chance.
And I will get the chance again. I’ll do whatever I have to, to be back where I belong and have loads of fun doing it cos I’m a fighter and whether its in someone’s back garden or the Madison square garden it’s all the same… I live 4 this sh-t !!”
Tycker du att det var rätt av UFC att riva hans kontrakt?