Mark Hunt hade ett rejält vredesutbrott under sin medverkan på gårdagens The MMA Hour och nu har UFC pratat med honom om situationen kring Brock Lesnar.
Det är en underdrift att säga att det var en arg Mark Hunt (12-11) som var gäst igår på The MMA Hour där han pratade om allt kring Brock Lesnars (6-3) doping. Han anklagade dessutom UFC för att ha vetat om det positiva dopingtestet innan matchen gick av stapeln och han sade att UFC inte hade talat med honom än om detta.
Men nu har UFCs Vice President of Athlete Health and Performance Jeff Novitzky haft ett ”långt samtal” med Hunt efter vredesutbrottet, enligt en tjänsteman på UFC till MMA Fighting och UFC förnekar att de visste om Lesnars dopingbrott på förhand.
Om UFC inte gör någonting åt dopingproblemen på allvar så kan vi inom en nära framtid få se honom att slåss för en annan organisation som inte tummar på dopingjakten.
”I’ll go and work somewhere else,” Hunt said. ”Like I said, I don’t give a sh*t. If we’ve got to sue their asses, well then f*ck you, you’re going to get sued. You scummy c*nts. The problem is everyone these days, ‘man, I want to get into the UFC.’ F*ck the UFC. You’re sh*t. You motherf*ckers don’t look after nobody.
We’ll let this f*cking white piece of sh*t f*cking stick needles in his ass and say, ‘oh, he’s going to take us all the way to the f*cking bank.’ Let’s give him f*cking millions of dollars and not worry about this motherf*cker. You know what? F*ck that and f*ck your sh*t company. Look at that for a contract. You can sue me on that, motherf*ckers.
People are scared for years because the company is going to get them,” Hunt added. ”Well, f*ck the company. They don’t give a sh*t about you or anyone else. If I walk away now, I don’t care. I walk away knowing that I haven’t cheated to get in this spot. I can keep my head [up] and say, you know, I might have to make a lot of different sacrifices to change the way things are, but so be it. That’s fine. At least I knew that I went to the top and all you find at the top are dirty f*cking scummy cheaters, and a company that’s going to help them do it.
I’ll be comfortable with that. There’s no way I even worry about that. You get told that it’s a clean sport, and people are testing, they’re doing this and that, that’s fine you’re doing all that testing, but what penalties are these monkeys giving them? You’re not giving no penalties at all. USADA, f*cking NASA, whatever the f*ck they are, what penalties are they giving them? Nothing. They’re just saying, ‘oh hey, we caught this guy cheating and he has to give us all this money.’ Why the f*ck should you get it? Why should they get that sh*t? They’re not the ones who lost. They’re not the ones who had their brand go down. I didn’t say anything when I beat the other two guys who I fought who were cheating, and probably the rest of the other cheaters that I fought, but at the end of the day, enough is enough.”
Foto: Vince Cachero