UFC & Etihad Stadium har gått ut med ett gemensamt uttalande under fredagskvällen gällande terrordådet som ägde rum i Paris.
Med tanke på fredagskvällens terrorattack som ägde rum i Paris, Frankrike där över 100 människor blev offer så kommer den stora 70.000 sätesarenan och UFC ha högsta beredskap och kommer följa alla säkerhetsåtgärder inför UFC 193. Galan som äger rum under lördagsnatten i Melbourne, Australien kommer att fortsätta som planlagt.
Uttalandet kan läsas nedan.
”Etihad Stadium and UFC jointly send their thoughts and sympathy to those impacted by the terrible incidents which occurred in France.
Regarding tomorrow’s scheduled UFC 193 card at Etihad Stadium, officials from Etihad Stadium, UFC, and Victoria Police have come together to review all major safety protocols and procedures prior to this major event. This risk assessment and planning process takes place before all events held at Etihad Stadium, and the venue, promoter and police will remain diligent in this process in light of today’s tragedies in France.
We have been advised by Victoria Police there is nothing to suggest that tomorrow’s event will in any way be impacted by the events in France, it is important to note that precautions are being taken to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all in attendance.”