Tyron Woodley riktar återigen kritik mot UFC och Dana White efter helgens titelmatch – och UFC-presidenten ger svar på tal.
UFC:s welterviktsmästare Tyron Woodley (17-3-1) har haft en skakig relation med i Dana White under det senaste året. Woodley har uttryckt missnöje med hur UFC behandlar honom, och White har i sin tur kallat Woodley för ”Drama Queen”.
”God damn, I’m going to be a tough dude to deal with”
Efter att Woodley försvarat sitt bälte via ett kontroversiellt domslut mot Stephen Thompson (13-2-1) under lördagens UFC 209 deklarerade UFC-presidenten att han tyckte att Thompson borde ha vunnit matchen – dessutom kritiserade han Woodleys prestation och kvalitén på matchen.
Under gårdagen svarade Woodley på Whites kritik genom TMZ Sports, och varnar för att han kommer göra sig till ett problem för UFC i framtiden:
”Dana White thought I won the first fight but he didn’t publicly come out and say he thought I won the first fight, so I thought it was a bit distasteful for the promoter to say he thought [Thompson] won the fight. That’s like me coming out and saying as a fighter that I don’t think he didn’t do a good job of promoting the fight. Which I don’t. I don’t think they’ve done a good job of promoting me as champion.”
“Have you ever heard of a commissioner going off on a [judge] for — ’Oh man, he should have never awarded that 10-8 round.’ Have you ever heard that before? Why in my fight would the person do that when, in fact, the 10-8 round did not fix the outcome at all. The person that gave the 10-8 was the person that gave the draw. So why would we be making such a huge travesty on that? They should have did that in New York.”
“I’m going to just fall back. I’m going to do my thing. But God damn, I’m going to be a tough dude to deal with.”

”People booing so loud you can’t even do your interview”
White är inte sen med att svara på kritiken där han vidhåller sin ståndpunkt och säger att Woodley inte har höjt sina aktier trots vinsten. UFC-presidenten passar också på att påminna Woodley om vem som bestämmer:
”Tyron Woodley came out and said he was going to destroy Thompson and there would be no question he was the champ. Well guess what? There’s questions again,” säger White till TMZ Sports.
”Let me tell you what…when you have a performance like you did at 209 and you get booed for 5 straight rounds and then people are booing so loud you can’t even do your interview, you should probably just take your lumps and move on. Get your next fight as fast as you can and try to put that performance behind you.”
”There’s one guy around here who calls the shots and as soon as you learn that, the better off you’ll be.”