Sean McCorkle är en tungviktare som under 2010 började tävla för UFC. Han gick endast tre matcher, men har sedan dess fortsatt tävla utanför UFC. För två dagar sedan begav han sig till MMA-forumet The Underground för att ge en detaljerad beskrivning av det ämne som påträffats i Jon Jones- och Brock Lesnar-fallen.
Såhär beskrev McCorkle processen runt ämnet klomifen (Clomid):
”Smart people will run a cycle of testosterone, and take arimidex, which is a great estrogen blocker. After their cycle, they will take HCG. (One of the ones Chael got caught for). HCG super kick starts your natural production again, makes your balls swell to twice their original size before they shrunk (for those of you who are into that)
Clomid is supposed to be the best of both worlds. You can take it the whole time you run a cycle, and it blocks estrogen as well as telling your balls to keep producing test even though your body is overloaded with it. If arimidex is a black belt in estrogen blocking, and HCG is a black belt in kickstarting your natural production, then Clomid is a brown belt in both.
As I stated, the advantage is that you can take it the whole time you run a cycle, and it perform both functions. Maybe not as good as the ideal choices, but it is ideal for guys wanting to beat PED tests. Because after you stop a cycle, you’d need to take HCG for at least a month to get your balls back to normal production. And then it’ll show up on a drug test for 90 days after that. So you’re looking at 4 months off of steroids before you will be clean.
Whereas, if you run clomid the whole time, and stop a month before your cycle stops (because its detectable for about 60 days, and take testosterone propionate (which is non detectable after 3 weeks) you literally can stop a cycle, and 3-4 weeks later, piss completely clean. I’ve also heard that repeatedly that for big $, you can get synthetic testosterone that is completely undetectable to any piss or blood test, as far as showing up as synthetic. My guess would be, that testosterone is coming directly from other humans bodies, dead or alive. Not really sure.”
Enligt denna beskrivning är det alltså ganska avancerade grejer de åkt fast för, vilket är att vänta med så stora summor på spel. Men detta gör det nog snäppet mer otroligt att det hela skulle röra sig om en olycka.
Börjar det kanske verka som att spelet är över för de två forna mästarna?