T.J Dillashaw (12-2) besegrade Renan Barao (33-3-1) via TKO i fjärden ronden och lyckades försvara sitt bantamviktsbälte och den motståndaren som Dillashaw har i tanken på att få möta är Dominick Cruz (20-1).
Dillashaw vet att Cruz är skadad nu och vet att det kan dröja innan dom får mötas. Dillashaw sa även att han vill möta Raphael Assuncao (23-4) igen, då Assuncao besegrade Dillashaw via delat domslut på UFC Fight Night 29.
“I mean, it’s so hard for me to think about anyone else,” sa Dillashaw på presskonferensen efter galan. “I’ve been thinking about Renan Barao for over a year and a half. But we’ve got guys like Dominick Cruz and Raphael Assuncao. They’re both great fighters but they’re hurt now. Whenever they come back, I don’t know what the plan is, but I’d like to see either one of those guys. I don’t know. I’m not sure.”
Dillashaw tror att den största matchen i hans karriär skulle vara att möta Cruz.
“That’s the biggest fight,” Dillashaw said. “That’s what’s going to make my name the biggest at this weight class, fighting Cruz as soon as he’s able to come back.”
“He’s a very elusive, high-paced fighter as well,” sa Dillashaw. “I just don’t think he has the power behind his punches. You know, I don’t think he has the devastating threat that he can impose on someone. I see myself definitely winning that fight.”