Ariel Helwani kör varje vecka sin podcast The MMA Hour och nedan så kan du se måndagens avsnitt LIVE med start kl 19.00. Gäster för den här gången är Georges St-Pierre, Mirko Cro Cop, Daniel Cormier, Josh Barnett, Malki Kawa, Cathal Pendred och Rico Verhoeven.
Ungefärliga tider kan du se nedan.
- 19.03 Manager Malki Kawa will talk about Benson Henderson’s pending free agency, Jon Jones and more.
- 19.25 UFC light heavyweight champion Daniel Cormier will react to last week’s Jon Jones interview and more.
- 19.45 Cathal Pendred will explain why he decided to retire and what’s next for him.
- 20:05 Josh Barnett will preview his UFC on FOX 18 fight against Ben Rothwell.
- 20.25 Georges St-Pierre will discuss where he’s at in his career and more.
- 20.45 Mirko Cro Cop will explain why he decided to retire and discuss his recent failed drug test.
- 21.25 We’ll go Inside the Vault and look back at a classic interview.
- 21.30 Glory kickboxing heavyweight champ Rico Verhoeven will preview his Glory 26 title fight and discuss his interest in MMA.
- 21.50 We’ll answer your #themmahour questions on anything and everything going on in the MMA world. Hit us up on Twitter using that hash tag.
Plus, we’ll be taking your calls on anything and everything. Got a question or comment? Give us a call at 1-888-418-4074.
Du kan om du vill ladda ner podcasten via iTunes (Audio, Video).
Foto: Per Häljestam