Anthony ”Rumble” Johnson gick i pension direkt efter den andra förlorade titelchansen mot Daniel Cormier – men efter att ”DC” förlorat bältet mot återvändande Jon Jones i helgen verkar det som att Johnson börjar bli sugen på en comeback – igen.
LÄS MER Gustafssons knock fick pensionerade ”Rumble” att vilja återvända till buren

Redan inför matchen öppnade ”Rumble” för att komma tillbaka beroende på resultatet i titelfighten, och det verkar som att den nyblivne mästarens prestation i helgen fick intresset för en comeback att öka.
Johnson uppger under måndagens The MMA Hour att flera av de träffar som ”DC” fick in på Jones under fighten hade betytt en knockout om de kommit från honom:
“It did kind of get me going a little bit, seeing Jon and Daniel in there doing their thing. I don’t know man, we’ll see what happens,” säger Johnson.
“You know what, I’m kind of on the fence,” säger Johnson om en möjlig match mot Jones. “If I was to come back, it would definitely have to be worth it for me, financially, cause I have so much going on already. Things that are great. But if I come back, it would just be to fight the legend in Jon Jones himself, you know what I’m saying? I’ve beaten pretty much everybody else except for Daniel and Jon. And so, Jon got hit with some big punches from Daniel, and I knew if I would have hit him with some of those punches, most likely he would have went down. You know what I mean? But Jon is a hell of a fighter and I have nothing but respect for him and his family.”
“At the end of the day it’s business, and if the UFC comes at me with something I can’t resist, then I’ll make it happen regardless. I think at the end of the day it’s a fight that Jon wants, and I want it too, because we’re just alpha males like that. That would be the reason that we would want it. Right now I’m happy where I’m at, but it still has to make sense for me to come back financially.”
“I still have my health on the line. All of us have our health on the line, we go out there to train and we go out there to fight in the Octagon, so there’s a lot at stake, considering a fight like this.”
Av sina senaste sju matcher innan han gick i pension vann Anthony Johnson alla på knockout, förutom två förluster via submission mot Cormier.
Lyssna på hela intervjun i videon ovan!
Vill ni se ”Rumble” utmana Jones om titeln?