Rashad Evans och Ryan Bader kommer att mötas på UFC 192. Skitsnacket mellan dem fortsätter när Evans berättar vad han tycker om Baders fightingstil.
Rashad Evans kommer att möta Ryan Bader på UFC 192 i Texas, USA tredje oktober. Båda fighters har varit tydliga med att de inte gillar varandra och Evans berättar nu i en intervju att han tänker straffa Bader i buren efter allt skitsnack:
“It’s funny, man. Bader is talking a little reckless, and it definitely makes me want to punish him. I’m going to sleep thinking about some of the things and I’m like, ‘I can’t believe he’s saying all of this.’ I made a comment to him first and I was just kind of teasing. But then he kept going. Then he brought out the fat picture and then he just kept going and going. So, it’s like, ‘Okay, he wants to keep on going?’ Now I’m starting to believe that he really thinks this. Now, because he really thinks this, I’m going to punish this dude. I’m going to punish him. Bad.”
Evans tror att han kommer avsluta matchen. Han anser att Bader inte fightas tillräckligt smart vilket, lämnar luckor som kommer leda till att Evans avslutar matchen.
”I’m going to stop him in the second round. How? I just see him getting desperate after trying to take me down, and that doesn’t happen. Then I’ll lay some hands on him. I think that Bader is good and I think that Bader has gotten a lot better. How Bader used to fight – his fight IQ used to be really low. He would clutch defeat out of the jaws of victory. You used to be like, ‘How the hell does he do that?’”
”That used to be how Bader fought. He wasn’t a very smart fighter. He’s gotten a bit smarter. But, at the same time, he’s still Bader. He still makes mistakes like that. He still is not a very high IQ fighter.”