Raquel Pennington (6-5) besegrade Jessica Andrade (13-5) via submission på UFC 191 och berättar att hon hade det svårt med viktnedgången.
Matchen gick inte riktigt som Pennington hade tänkt sig då hon trodde att hon skulle avsluta matchen med sin striking.
“It didn’t exactly go how I expected it to,” berättade Pennington för MMAjunkie. “You know, it’s a fight. You can’t really say how it’s going to go. I thought it would end a lot more with my hands. The weight cut was pretty draining for me (on Friday). That played a big part tonight. But, I mean, it’s MMA. I train all around. Just like my last fight with Ashlee Evans-Smith, it was another submission.”
Pennington kämpade med vikten inför invägningen och fick klippa av sig en del hår för att klara vikten.
“You know, when it comes to that part, your body is going to get drained,” sa Pennington. “This is a crazy physical sport, but it’s where it comes from in here. it takes a lot of heart in this sport. I think that’s what played a big part tonight. I went to desperate measures (at weigh-ins). I chopped off some of my hair for weight.”