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Piotr ”Pletwal” Hall (15-3) testade positivt för drostanolone efter hans förlust mot Gleison Tibau via oenigt domslut, i det delade huvudevenemanget för UFC Fight Night 51 den 13 september i Brasilia, Brasilien. Men han vill överklaga resultatet.
Hallmann hävdar att han är oskyldig och beskyller den Brasiliens atletiska kommission (CABMMA) för att ha slarvat med testprocedurerna.
I intervju med Bloody Elbow gav Hallman sin syn på ärendet:
”I’m very angry that something like this came up, especially the way they handled the whole testing in Brazil was far from being professional. It was clear that the procedure was unreliable and strange to say the least and this should be a big concern for fighters and the UFC.”
”Right after my fight when I walked back to my dressing room a very loud person who couldn’t identify himself was shooting: ’Doping! Doping!’ and speaking in broken English. My coaches tried to figure out what the man wanted and finally it was clear that I needed to be escorted to a room where I was being tested, so like always I complied and gave my blood.”
”At that moment I was badly injured and was waiting for transportation to the hospital. All of a sudden one of the people that tested me at the event drove all the way to the hospital telling us that something went wrong with the testing but at that time I was in extreme pain as the medical team was treating my broken jaw.”
”The man understood and saw that it wasn’t the best moment to do a second test as I was being injected with some painkillers. So the man apologized for the mistake and just left. During that moment I didn’t make anything out of this strange situation as I know I’m a clean fighter who always have been professional with my career and never used any steroids or banned substance for that matter.”
Cristiano Sampaio, verkställande operationschef för den Brasilianska MMA-kommissionen (CABMMA), klargjorde kommissionens ståndpunkt i ärendet och hävdade att dopingprovet som Hallman åkte fast för gjordes före matchen mot Tibau, inte efter. Enligt Sampaio analyserades Hallmans urin- och blodprov vid UCLA Olympic Analytical Laboratory, en av internationella antidopningsbyråns (WADA) främsta godkända testanläggningar. Själva provupptagningen ska ha genomförts av en dopningskontrollofficer som godkänts av Wada och den brasilianska antidopingsbyrån (ABCD).
Hallmans urinprov testades två gånger. Båda testerna var positiva. I intervju med MMAFighting gav Sampaio sin syn på saken.
”Every athlete who competes under the regulation of any commission, in Brazil or in the United States, is aware that they will undergo a urine drug test. He underwent the same process in his previous fight in Brazil.”
”We test every fighter on the card when they arrive at the arena on fight day. After the fight, we randomly choose four fighters, or pick four fighters, to do post-fight blood tests. For this event, we picked the main and co-main event fighters to test for HGH and testosterone. In Piotr’s case, he tested positive (for drostanolone) in his pre-fight urine test.”
”He said we admitted to committing mistakes, but we never did that,” sa Sampaio, för att besvara Hallmans påstående att misstag hade erkänts från CABMMAs sida, vilket han hävdade i Bloody Elbow-intervjun.
”I’m the person who contacts fighters and managers, and I never said that.”
”He has the right to appeal. If he wants to appeal the result, I will send the request to the UCLA Olympic Lab and they will test the second urine sample. If he’s talking about our collecting procedures, I’ll ask ABCD to send him a report of the whole procedure. But if he’s questioning our integrity and responsibility as a regulation body in Brazil, we will have a response for him. I hope that’s not the case.”
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