Miesha Tate (17-5) förväntade sig att matchen mellan Ronda Rousey (12-0) och Bethe Correia (9-1) skulle avslutas snabbt och menar att Correia fick vad hon förtjänade.
Tate trodde att matchen skulle avslutas sent i första ronden då Tate visste att Rousey ville straffa Correia.
”It was a pretty quick fight, which I kind of anticipated,”sa Tate ”I actually thought she might finish it at the end of the first round because I know she really wanted to punish Bethe. But Bethe ended up going down like a sack of potatoes before Ronda could really punish her like she wanted to.”
Tate känner att Correia gick över gränser som inte är okej när Correia pratade om Rouseys familj och menar att det borde finnas en respekt för varandra, även om man inte gillar varandra.
”If there was any time that I actually felt bad for Ronda and kind of sympathized with her, it was in this fight,” she said. ”I really thought that Bethe overstepped some personal boundaries that she just shouldn’t. I mean, Ronda and I are probably never going to get along. We’re probably never going to be friends, but there’s a certain amount of respect that one another should have for each other, as fighters, if nothing more.”
”No matter how much you dislike someone, there are personal lines you just don’t cross. I think Bethe did that, and so I think she got what was coming to her.”
Tate tycker inte att Correia är en särskilt bra fighter än och tycker att Correia betedde sig barnsligt när hon skrek på Rousey under invägningen.
”I really don’t think that she is that good yet. I think she really was more full of herself than anything else, and she was really trying to hype herself,”sa Tate. ”I think she had every intention of going out there and winning, and I think she really believed it. But I think she was just treading in too deep of water and was just in over her head.”
”Screaming at Ronda and acting kind of childish and a little bit arrogant, it wasn’t going to help. This girl is really, really asking for it. It was going to be a painful night for her.”