Med tanke på de senaste dagarnas händelser rörande Alistair Overeem och hans dopingprov som visade på förhöjd testosteronnivå vilket resulterat i att titelmatchen mot Junior Dos Santos på UFC 146 är i fara är frågan om ”testosterone replacement therapy” (TRT) och doping åter igen högaktuellt.
Mellanviktaren Mark Munoz delar med sig av sina tankar i frågan.
”It’s cheating. I think it’s cheating. I think anything that’s synthetic that you put in your body is cheating. Get it from food, get it from training. That stuff jacks you up when you’re done. For me, I’m a family man, I have kids, I have a wife and I want to be there for them at the end. I think when you take PEDs or anything like that, it cuts your life short. When it becomes like that, it’s almost hedonistic. It’s not a sport anymore. It becomes more than a sport and it shouldn’t be like that. There’s more important things in your life than that. I frown upon that, I don’t like to ever see it but the truth is it is present. You can’t hide it because it comes out. But then again I can stand in front of you 100-percent saying that I’ve never taken a drug in my life. And I’m going to keep doing that, and I’m going to win like that. If people think I’m on drugs or PEDs or whatever, come train with me. I’ll show you my drugs. There’s no substitution for hard work.”, säger Munoz i intervjun ovan.
Delar ni Munoz uppfattning i frågan?