Chael Sonnen har ett enkelt svar på frågan om varför Chuck Liddell och Matt Hughes fick sparken av UFC medan Forrest Griffin får jobba kvar.
Efter att UFC köptes upp av WME-IMG för 4,2 miljarder dollar har en hel del nedskärningar skett, där flera kända namn blivit av med sina jobb. Två av dessa är de tidigare UFC-mästarna Chuck Liddell (21-8) och Matt Hughes (45-9), vilket mottogs av starka reaktioner från flera håll.
Samtidigt jobbar Forrest Griffin (19-7), även han tidigare mästare, kvar i företaget. Och enligt Chael Sonnen (28-14-1) är anledningen väldigt simpel: han är den enda som tagit sitt arbete seriöst.
“In fairness, if I’m buying a company I’m gonna look and see where the waste is,” sa Sonnen nyligen i sin podcast You’re Welcome! ”If I’m letting Marshall Zelaznik go, I’m letting these two knuckleheads who are on $30K a month, but don’t even live in the state go. Do you know why [Forrest Griffin] kept his job?”

Han fortsatte:
“He was the only one of the three who took his job seriously. What was supposed to happen, from a UFC standpoint, they looked after some of their boys who looked after them. The UFC was getting some bad PR for not looking after their fighters, and they also wanted to give the guys who did carry lifting early on some jobs that last forever. Chuck got the first one, and it’s $30K a month, and he doesn’t have to do anything. This is before the police ran him out of San Luis Obispo, so he wasn’t even in the state. Matt Hughes still isn’t in the state, he lives on the farm in Illinois. These are literally fake jobs.”
Sonnen menar att det är helt naturligt att Griffin, som alltid dykt upp i tid varje morgon och visat sitt engagemang i företaget, fick behålla jobbet medan de andra fick gå.
“They give a job to Forrest, and he takes one look at it and decides to take the job seriously. He shows up at 9:00 am on Monday morning and they don’t even have an office for him because it wasn’t a real job. He just kept coming in, and then he started sitting in on meetings. If anyone was gonna keep the job it’s Forrest because he has contributed.”
Håller ni med ”The Bad Guy”?
Omslagsbild: Mazdak Cavian
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David håller med.
19 år och en dag sedan.
Brown längtar efter att få tyst på de som tvivlar.
And it’s all over…
Håller med.
Cardio is king.
UFC tar fram fyra kandidater till ”Upset of the Year”.
Who caused the biggest upset of 2016? Agree with these? Tell use below ⬇️
— UFC Europe (@UFCEurope) December 22, 2016
Biggest upset of the year?! Go!!
— UFC Europe (@UFCEurope) December 22, 2016
Paul Daley klar för ny match.
Expect #PaulDaley to do #PaulDaley things, and @SwaggleBerryFin to do @SwaggleBerryFin things…
It's going to be madness! #Bellator170
— Bellator MMA (@BellatorMMA) December 22, 2016
No way, Jose Waldo…
So Waldo is now saying he always shows up and me and Conor are two faced and Khabib won’t fight him. #nowayjose
— Max Holloway (@BlessedMMA) December 21, 2016
Issue w Waldo is not about turning down fights. its that he doesn’t actually show up #noShowseAldo
— Max Holloway (@BlessedMMA) December 21, 2016
Chiesa gör sitt bästa för att reda ut röran.
Hey y'all @TonyFergusonXT @danawhite @TeamKhabib. Just wanted to say Merry Christmas and I'll step in for whoever steps out. #ufc209
— Michael Chiesa (@MikeMav22) December 22, 2016
Så Smith vs. Aldana var inte en grym match menar ni? Trist med avundsjuka…
Still pissed @hotsauceholtzy & I didn't get Fight Of The Night! Wish the fans got to decide.…
— JOSH EMMETT (@JoshEmmettUFC) December 21, 2016
We deserved that bonus @ufc @danawhite
— Scott “Hot Sauce” Holtzman (@HotSauceHoltzy) December 22, 2016
Undrar jag också.
Griffin gillar att festa.
If this is what you mean by party then yes I like to party!
— Forrest Griffin (@ForrestGriffin) December 21, 2016