Här kan ni se en konceptvideo och bilder på UFC’s nya huvudkontor som är under uppbyggnad och beräknas vara klar nästa år.
Den massiva byggnaden som ska vara under konstruktion de kommande femton månaderna har redan varit igång ett tag och är med största sannolikhet klar det första kvartalet nästa år. Byggnaden kommer vara hela 17.000 kvadratmeter stor där UFC’s anställda och atleter kan röra sig runt på.
Nedan kan ni se en konceptvideo av hur bygget ska se ut när det är färdigbyggt.
“The campus itself is an investment in the future of the business,” sa Garry Cook, UFC’s globala marknadschef. “It’s clearly a commitment to its employees and we all know that great organizations are built on people, so it’s a great place for our people. In addition to that, Las Vegas has become our home, and we feel that a continued investment in athletes is of paramount importance. The first thing we need to do is to make sure that we can provide the very best knowledge of what’s happening in sports science research, to enable our athletes to rehabilitate, to prepare, and prevent injuries. There is so much happening in the space of biomechanics and biometrics, and the sophistication that exists today in sports is something that we think we can take a leadership position on because our sport is very fragmented, considering the number of gyms that are in existence. The gyms do a great job, the athletes do a great job, but maybe we can take some lessons from the sports science research around the world and this facility will be the home of that knowledge.”
Nedan kan ni se ett par konceptbilder.

“As we’ve grown and have had success, obviously we’ve hired a lot of people,” sa Lorenzo Fertitta. “I don’t think many people realize what it takes to pull off the 41 events that we do every year, and the magnitude of what it takes to run this business. And it just got to the point where we were spread out in various places around Las Vegas, and every great company needs the ability to at least have an area that will foster communication and teamwork and creativity, and I think that’s what this new campus will do for our team members.”
Vad tror ni, kan det vara den bästa arbetsplatsen på planeten?