Efter att blivit utfysad av Gray Maynard i slutet av augusti förra året så beger sig Kenny Florian ner i viktklass för att testa lyckan som fjäderviktare. Han säger sig alltid ha velat möta Jose Aldo, och eftersom Aldo inte var så sugen på att möta honom i lättvikt, så blir nog möjligheterna större nu.
I started playing around with the idea: could I make 145? Originally, I didn’t think it was possible. I spoke with a few nutritionists, got their opinions, told them what my body fat was, my walking-around weight, all that stuff and the general consensus was that it was very possible. I put a lot of thought into it, spoke with my coaches and everybody involved and decided that I am going to try it. I’m going to go for it.
Ett starkt val av Florian, som med sitt möte mot Maynard var på väg mot sitt tredje försök att få UFCs lättvikts titel. Florian har heller aldrig sett speciellt stor ut i viktklassen, och enligt sin manager Malki Kawa så är detta sättet att göra dom stora matcherna.
Like Dana White, I like to make big fights. And a fight with Aldo has been sticking in the back of my head since the UFC asked us for it. If there is a way to make it happen, I want to. If it looks like the only way that fight can happen is if Kenny moves down to 145, that’s what we’re going to do. … He’s not going to get a title shot at 145 directly. We’re asking for a top guy, and then maybe after one or two more fights, he can get a title shot. He should be ready to make his 145-pound debut in June or July. He has been cleared to start training this week.
Efter sin skada och avhopp från matchen mot Evan Dunham på Fight for the Troops 2, så ser det nu ut som Florian är tillbaks i oktagonen fram mot sommaren.