Dana White har varit kritisk till träningen hos Nova Uniao där bland annat Jose Aldo (25-1) och Renan Barao (33-3-0-1) tränar och nu har Aldo svarat på Whites kommentarer.
När Aldo drog sig ut ur UFC 189 på grund av en revbensskada var White väldigt kritisk till träningen och föreslog att skydda kroppen med extra skydd.
”The Stone Ages and the training has to change,”sa White. ”If you’re gonna be throwing those type of kicks at the world champion two weeks before the biggest fight of his life, he should at least have rib protectors on or body pads or something so that this doesn’t happen.”
Aldo förklarar att han inte behöver något extra skydd på kroppen under träningspassen eller sparringpassen då Gud är det enda skydd han behöver.
”That never happened at Nova Uniao,” sa Aldo.”Our protection is God”
”God always has something good for us, and now the fight is going to be two times bigger. The fan expectation, him being the champion, everything will be bigger,” sa Aldo. ”About the protection, we always trained like this. Not only me, but other athletes already pulled out from fights with rib injuries, ankle injuries. That’s part of the job. It’s a contact sport.”
Aldo menar att skydd är för dom som är svaga.
”Not for me. I ask for God’s protection and I’m protected,” sa Aldo. ”The closer to reality, the better for me. Protection is for the weak. We have to be closer to reality.”
”Many people said I was training with heavier guys, but we always trained like this, and I will continue to. I’m the champion and I will continue to be the champion because of this and because of those guys that are in the gym with me everyday”